2006-05-01 11:01:11灰姑娘

n e w p a g e o f l i f e

Work for a week
The feeling I have:
being a student is far better than being an employee
After finished AL exam
So puzzled n there are many ? in my mind
Sth like lost my way until I got a job

Work for a medical company as a showroom sales clerk
My main duty is to take order, data entry and
introduce products to my customer like Chinese herb doctor, physiotherapist and so on
Not like sales, I don’t have to hard sell the product instead introduction is the main part or u can say the only part
when transact with customers face to face
The purpose they visit our company is for buying
The only problem they need to cope with is to decide buying which model
All these happen in office ~ in other words ~ I no need to work outdoor

When I started to work
I find that the adult world is totally different from
the world I just get used to live
( of coz I have mental preparation beforehand )
There are different kinds of ppl around u ( both good and bad )
There wont have eternal evil, angel as well
That mean u would never know who will betray u someday
Protection is needed in order to stay away from danger/trap
Sound so pessimistic but is true
Yet I cant deny the existence of angel
U know wt ~ evil is gd at pretending

Working full time
Not only I can gain work experience ( real one )
but also I can learn how to deal with others
U know ~ get along well with others isn’t that easy ~ a lifetime learning
Using different faces in front of different ppl
The rule of the game ~ if u don follow such rule ~ GAME OVER

Now I am extremely eager to enjoy campus life for 3 years of
being a full time university student in my rest of life !!!
God bless me

wt I bear is different from now on