2006-03-14 20:49:39灰姑娘

強 心 針

extremely cheerful!!
I may have the chance to get C in my UE oral exam

individual presentation part
other candidates said my presentation is very fluent
and my pronunciation is gd too
Is it okay if I didn’t have my own opinion?
I am not sure I am as gd as they said
though I really did very well in sch
morning practice I got 6/7
miss Chan said she won’t worry my performance

in the discussion part
the first half of my contribution is not that much like the others
while I move to the second part
my contribution “came back” as well as my confidence
two of the candidates said the marks I get
may be the highest among us
wonder if it is true

one point have to notice is the familiar topic
we did discuss in sch
the only difference is the main character
change from animal’s skin into shark’s fin
wt we need to discuss is also the same too
how to raise the awareness of students towards animals
which are suffering or extinction
and fund raising activities
I am too nervous and thus have no idea
luckily my brain “come back” in the second part

All in all
I am quite satisfactory abt my performance
up till now I am still puzzled that my happness is
becoz of own performance or the approval of others ^ ^

here especially have to thanks my parents,
my bf and ling ling who concerned me very much
love u all~!!!

I must keep on to do my best~
Jessica ~ Fighting ~!!!