2009-08-18 21:23:19yingynig

Basic English--At the doctor’s office

 說明:have/has been +Ving與have/has + p.p的不同處…

At the doctor's office...

 Doctor: How are you feeling, Mr. Josh?

Patient: Well, Doctor. I've been having problems with my throat.

Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you been having problems with your throat?

Patient: For three days / Since Tuesday.

Doctor: Have you ever had problems with your throat befor?

Patient: No. Never. This is the first time.

Doctor: Tell me. Mr. Josh. Have you been sleeping O.K.?

Petient: No, Doctor. I haven't had a good night's sleep since ny throat began to bother me.

Doctor: And how about your appetite? Have you been eating well lately?

Petient: NO, I haven't.

Doctor: What have you been eating?

Petient: I've been eating congee.

(After the examination)

Doctor: Well, Mr. Josh. I think you should take aspirin three times a day.

Petient: Do you think that will help?

Doctor: Yes, indeed. A lot of peolpe have been coming to me lately with throat problems,

              and I've been advising all of them to take aspirin three times a day.

Petient: Thank you, Doctor. You've been a great help.

Doctor: It's been a pleasure. Mr. Josh. I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon.