2009-12-21 15:16:17吉麗安

are we ...

Are we watching the same side of the moon like Corrinne May's song?
How are you?  I saw you in a friend's photo. You looked more like a mature man. But your smile has not changed.  In your 30's, do you enjoy your life? Do you still listen to Joe's songs? When you are watching the CNN news, will you ever miss your life in the US? Have you regretted leaving our city?

Separated by the Pacific Ocean, we are now 6000 miles away.  I always dreamed about flying to your city, show up in your office and give you a surprise. Yet, how can I do that? I have no more excuse to see you anymore. That would just embarrass both of us. 

Stupid as I was, I looked really closely to that photo if there was a ring on your finger.  I did not see the evidence, but I know you may not wear anything that's attached to you. You love freedom. Has there been anyone watching the stars with you and talking to you as you are falling asleep? I would not be surprised if there is someone special on your side.

Do you now believe in the presence of our God? I pray you do. Because that's the only we can see each other again when we finish our journeys.

Happy be-lated birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy new year. I miss you. At This moment, very much so.