2007-03-10 15:46:01吉麗安

Call me "Beaver"


An interesting animal personality test was done for me. I was the so-called ”Beaver” and ”Golden Retriver” types of person. No surprise at all. My peer reveiw results matched exactly my self-evaluation. ”Consistency” is great to know. My favoraite phrase ”I do what I say, and I say what I think.”

I always perceived my self as an analytical person, just like a beaver. Slow, but engineering. A Golden Retriver is known as ”loyal” followers,yet, less risk-taking and disliking changes overall. Not a lion nor an otter was ever used to describe me thoughout my life. I was not born to be a leader nor an otter. What the world would become if everyone is a leader? The golden rule of 20/80 slips into my mind. I’d loved to be a follower, and am comfortable to be an follower.

”Passion” is the word I am seeking. Not fame or money. Only if there is one person who sees my passion before the end of my life. That would be enough. Enough.