2021-02-16 14:58:26yetiwilliam


Students at every phase of their academic learning get homework and assignments. It is just the complexity level that keeps on increasing as they grow up. There have been a lot of questions from the students about why they are given assignments and are they needed at all? 

Spoon feeding everything in the class cannot be considered as teaching. There is hardly any meaning to such education where there is no self-learning on the part of students. Assignments fill the gap between classroom study and self-study. 


When an assignment is given, the student tells himself that I will do my assignmentI will brainstorm the ideas, plan out the details and manage my time. This starts an extensive learning phase, which helps the students to acquire various skills. This article discusses assignment writing benefits to motivate the students and help them better understand their assignments.


1. Assignments expand your world of information – As it has been stated earlier, assignment writing needs a lot of research and exploration. This improves your subject knowledge as you are conducting an in-depth study on a particular topic. Not only this, but your researching skills also got refined, which is highly essential as you grow up.


2. You learn to plan and organize – While working on an assignment, you need to plan out the details first. All the parts of the assignment need to be well-organized and as per the guidelines. Also, you have to plan your time so that you can complete all your tasks on time. This improves your planning and organizational skills and teaches you how to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.


3. Assignments make learning a habit – “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently”. - Tony Robbins. Doing assignments consistently will gradually improve your liking towards the task and productivity in it.


4. Your writing skills will be improved – Having so many ideas in mind is not uncommon but being able to pen them down impressively is an art in itself. With frequent assignment writing, you will gradually learn about the intricacies of writing and develop high-quality original content.


5. Feedback provides scope for improvement – Students are usually given complete feedback about the assignment along with the flaws and imperfections. This provides a huge scope for improvement. They are able to identify their mistakes and work on them so that they are not repeated in the future.


6. Advance Preparation of exams – Assignments prepare you on various major topics of the subject; thus, you become ready for the upcoming exams. Students who regularly finish their assignments are more likely to score better grades since they know the subject better.


Students all around the world need to understand the benefits of assignment writing instead of running away from them. They are a great way of overall development of students.