2019-01-02 10:56:02ycgsy6as8kwk

【便宜團購】aden+anais White Label Silky Soft Swaddles, Pack of 3 網路熱銷商品熱銷排行榜


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aden+anais White Label Silky Soft Swaddles, Pack of 3 設計式樣: paradise cove · 2018

White Label - born and raised in Brooklyn.

The new White Label range will delight all modern and trendy parents with a thing for special designs.

The design "foragers" is an exciting mix of sweeping expanse and pure nature. Being printed with hypnotising patterns of shadows, wafting leaves or bears' silhouettes, every swaddle is an absolute highlight.

The versatile swaddles of the new White Label range by the American manufacturer aden+anais are the ideal accessory for mastering everyday life with a new-born - perfect for giving away, cuddling up in and changing your baby on.

Parents all over the world love the soft and breathable muslin swaddle blankets made of 100% bamboo fibre. The premium material is particularly breathable, hardwearing, resilient and smooth. The highlight of these blankets is that the more you wash them the soften and cosier they get.

The art of swaddling goes back many generations. aden+anais' White Label swaddle blankets contain muslin that feels super soft on baby's skin. Their large size of 120 x 120 cm makes it particularly easy for you to swaddle your baby. Being swaddled resembles the familiar feeling your little one had when he was in your womb - thus, he will feel comfortable and be able to sleep peacefully. The breathable material reduces the risk of suffering from hyperthermia.

At the same time, the soft and cuddly blankets can be used in various ways so that they act as a versatile aid that eases everyday life with a baby. You can use the blanket as a cover for your pram, burp cloth, changing or cuddly blanket or else as a nursing cover. When being rolled up it can be stored in a space-saving size and is always easy to reach.


  • Design: foragers

  • Silky soft swaddles in a pack of 3

  • Size: 120 x 120 cm

  • Helps reduce the risk of hyperthermia

  • Material: 100% bamboo viscose

  • 限定折扣價
  • Offers a wide range of applications




aden+anais White Label Silky Soft Swaddles, Pack of 3









▲長隆橫琴國際馬戲城曾獲三屆國際馬戲節金獎 (圖/業者提供)



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aden+anais White Label Silky Soft Swaddles, Pack of 3

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