2007-08-05 15:05:46緯大哥。

Once Again

2007A.D  August˙5date  Sunday Frame:subtle

I feel.

I again in once the captivation.

But, I don’t know how come out this of grief.

Nearby of friend, the classmate seems to be to all leave me very far


Am I an useful person?

Am I needed?

Time brings not to walk of thing, can also send Tuo to give who?

Escape don’t open, want to go away.

But no one can help me.

I can only from save to me...

(The grammar is a lot of wrong,please forgive)
krijstelle 囧悅 2007-08-21 01:15:30

heya, cheer up, partner, and also my dearly group member. Though i don`t understand waht made you so upset, i`ll pray for you more than doing nothing. Be gald and positive, the way i could encourage you. Don`t forget we have our dearly father in heaven who whould never forsake us, and he`s always there whenever we need help!
Tell him then you`ll see he`s tjust beside you ready to give you a hand. He gives us the chance to face different situation in order to help us grow up and mature.
once again, rejoice and pray to God. As i wrote in my wretch site, &quotWhen God wipes our tears, sorrow will give a way to eternal song.&quot One day when you look back at all these, you`ll find out what you have learned and realized God`s there helping you get through all these. Be blessed and happy. :) (hooo......it`s such a long one:P)

fogging 2007-08-10 01:37:48


好ever,dont give up!!


你很賤耶= =



2007-08-11 23:21:17
Vicky 2007-08-06 22:56:58

這個文章實在是= =



2007-08-11 23:18:57