2008-06-12 23:50:11Alice

Jace Ra’s B-day

6/7 is Jace’s b-day party

We got there late because Mommy wanted us to take a good nap

They held the party at a fitness center
there were pizza and cup cakes

Then everyone went out to the wedding pool

ofcourse, we don’t like any "pool" or "lake" other than our beth tub

but after a long warm-up, Chloe put her hand in the water
and finally get in the pool....
....when everyone left the party already...

at least it’s showing a good start for next month

going to the Heber Spring....

Amber finally got wet..

by Mommy...splashing water and playing the mini water gun..

from Jace’s goodie bag.

Daddy and Chloe


After all, we had good time..

Here’s the last glance at Amber..

Where’s the b-day boy?????

