2007-08-06 23:42:08Alice

Chloe fell off the bed!!!

8/4/07 Night..
After beth, Mommy and Daddy fed us and was putting our clothes on..
Amber wanted to go to Mommy
so Daddy had hard time to put on her clothes
Since Mommy already dressed Chloe,
she told Daddy that they’ll switch...

However, when Mommy was dressing Amber
Daddy screamed
and Mommy’s first instinct was "Chloe is falling off the bed"
so Mommy turn around wanted to catch Chloe
instead, Mommy nocked Chloe off balance..
Chloe was just sitting on the edge of the bed...
Mommy tried to re-catch Chloe again quickly
yet keep Amber in her lab..
however, Mommy catch Chloe too low
and Chloe fell over Mommy’s arm
and hit the foot board...

Mommy and Chloe both tramatized...
Psychologically and Physically...~>,<~

Chloe’s left eye is now puffy and the side is scratched..
But Chloe was tough-
she cried for less than 5 mins and was laughing again...
that few minutes seems like forever to Mommy...
Mommy so sorry...my little angel...

I’ll never let anything like this happen to any one of you ever again!!

Promised w/ my life