2007-04-21 19:36:47Alice
9 Month Report Card
Cannot believe it-we are nine month old now!!
Time really flys!!
Mommy still nursing us!!
Dr. Hussain said we are at around 13-15 month growth!!
Good job, mommy!! Good job, daddy!!
Weigh: 20 lb 14 oz (75% to 90% percentile)
Length: 29.50 inches (over 97% percentile)
Head Circumference : 45.50 cm (90& percentile)
Immunizarions today: NONE (YAH~~ no shots today ^^)
Weigh: 20 lb 12 oz (75% to 90% percentile)
Length: 30.50 inches (over 97% percentile)
Head Circumference : 44.50 cm (75& percentile)
Immunizarions today: NONE (YAH~~ no shots today ^^)