2005-05-02 01:37:05Dai Er Men De


One of Karen Mok’s past hits, Relationship, touched my heart once more. Don’t the lyrics ”love is a thorny thing but I am reluctant to give it up” and ”love makes people hurt but fascinated” vividly portray love?
By the way, she is going to have concerts in Hong Kong in June. I do want to see one~ It will mark her ten years’ achievements in entertaining business. : )


I know I can never really like Taoyuan. It is a boring place compared with Taipei but when it comes to whether I will move back to Taipei, I am really not sure by this point of time. My contracts of the apartment and work place here are both for one year. I’ll be well settled down by then and may be lazy to move again. : D At least, I found the night market in Taoyuan though it isn’t much fun. There is a new pasta restaurant near the train station that opens til midnight and I found two good zhen zhu (tapioca pearl) milk tea shops that aren’t closed til 10 or 10:30 P.M. Though there is no Mango and Xin-kuang (Hsin-kong) Mitsukoshi department store here is dumb, yet there are two quite decent department stores (FE 21 and Idee) right in front of the train station and a nice Sogo in Zhong-li that is so close to the branch where I am substituting until the 18th of June.


”Happy Birthday,” he said to her in Subway after he got her a necklace as a birthday present though her birthday was nearly one month ago. (He gave her an amethyst pendant as a gift last Christmas but the necklace she wore with was broken a short time ago.)

They went shopping twice for her birthday present but there was nothing good enough that she really wanted to have.

”How about this? Now you have an amethyst necklace and I can buy you amethyst earrings, bracelets and rings later on. After this, I can buy you emeralds, rubies, golds or diamonds. So, on every special day, I don’t have to think about what I should buy for you. A good idea, right?” he delightedly suggested.

”Quite brilliant,” she smiled.


abyss: things that people can’t work out though they’ve been dealing with it.