2005-03-30 03:24:00Dai Er Men De

Taoyuan city

It is a county town, neither a municipal city nor a provincial one. I haven’t started to like it yet though I am not sure if I will.

There are 3 big department stores right in front of the train station, which are FE 21, Idee and Tong-ling. I haven’t got familiar with them enough to compare with FE 21 in Banqiao and Xin-guang (Hsin-kong) Mitskoshi department stores in Taipei. I just found there is Rockport in FE 21 here but not Ettusais. The main roads near the train station are rather small. If you go further away, roads get bigger and you will gradually feel as if you were in the middle of nowhere. =””= Houses near the train station are smaller and more expensive. If you go further to new communities, they are much bigger and cheaper. Xin-guang Mitskoshi department store in Taoyuan is in one of the newly-developing areas where is about 15-20 minutes bus riding from the train station.

I haven’t explored Taoyuan city fully enough to comment more but I haven’t seen any dancing places nor pubs here. Also, I surprisingly saw a fairly big temple sitting right at the intersection of two main roads near the train station at the first time I came here to look for a place. I know the temple has been there much longer than the roads were constructed but for the traffic regulation and city renovation, isn’t it better to remove it somewhere? @_@

By the way, on the way from the train station to Taoyuan county government hall, you can see quite a few ”KTVs”. They aren’t like Cashbox nor Holiday. They are parts of a red light district. I bet foreigners would get confused with them but can easily tell what places they are by their outlooks and people lingering around. -””- Anyway, it is definitely not good for girls to walk past there alone at late night.