2010-10-10 07:07:16灰魂x2

Simple is actually inexistent.

人 到底要需要甚麼能力


I need somebody to tell me

What’s kind of ability can prevent me from doing unlimitedly stupid things?



那將40公斤的行李與證件 是僅存安全感

When my familiarity of surrounding is reset from 0,

the only safety I felt is the luggage and certificates I held.



視覺/聽覺/觸覺 所有身體的知覺能力瞬間提高

When the language using is not the best way to communicate any more,

The only thing I improved is all the conscious skills, observating,watching and listening, have been advanced immediately.

I tried to open minds to receive all fresh things, but the stupid thing is forgot to protect my weak heart.

Hmm...how a weak heart can abide another shock after it has underwent and been stricken time after time.



因為風風雨雨過後的心 已經傷得經不起太多次的震驚與打擊


Reset to 0 in life doesn’t mean everything will become simple.

I realize that trying to simplify seems more complicated.

Simple life seems not simple

Simple love seems not simple as well……


'Simple' is actually inexistent.