2019-08-20 10:32:30yacowyk62gmw
【網路熱銷產品】[7美國直購] 攝像機 NETGEAR Arlo Baby Monitor - Smart WiFi Baby Camera 1080P HD with 2-way Audio, Night V...
網路爆紅商品這裡最便宜找好久終於讓我找到超想買的[7美國直購] 攝像機 NETGEAR Arlo Baby Monitor | Smart WiFi Baby Camera 1080P HD with 2-way Audio, Night Vision
NETGEAR Arlo Baby Monitor | Smart WiFi Baby Camera 1080P HD with 2-way Audio, Night Vision, Air Sensors, Lullaby Player, Night Light, Works with Amazon Alexa, HomeKit (ABC1000)
1080p HD Video Quality – View live or recorded videos in excellent detail and rich color, from anywhere in the world
2-Way Wireless Talk – Comfort and talk to your baby from anywhere, whether you’re at the office or in the living room
Advanced Night Vision – Near-invisible infrared LEDs let you see your baby clearly even in total darkness
Instant Smart Alerts – Get motion, sound, and air quality notifications sent to your smartphone
Smart Nursery Features – Multi-colored night light, lullaby player, temperature, humidity & VOC air sensors. Monitor and control all features anytime from your smart phone
Works with Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, IFTTT – View your live video with a simple voice command and easily integrate Arlo Baby into your smart home
From the manufacturer
Why Arlo Baby?
Arlo Baby lets you check in on your baby with just a tap of the finger, from anywhere in the world. Motion and audio alerts are sent straight to your smartphone or email to instantly let you know when your baby is moving or crying. Precious moments are securely recorded with bank-grade encryption – accessible and downloadable anytime from your smartphone. Recordings are saved for 7 days for free.
Baby monitors don’t get smarter than this
Arlo Baby packs a ton of features every new parent will ever need for a nursery. Inside the camera are air quality, temperature, and humidity sensors that alert you when nursery conditions are out of desired range, multi-colored night light, and a music player that plays bedtime melodies or your own. All features can be remotely managed using the Arlo app.
Ideal uses:
View your baby or toddler from anywhere at any time.
View your baby at any time from anywhere
View live video and recordings from your phone, tablet, and laptop from anywhere. Traditional monitors are limited by本季推薦 distance. Whether at work or traveling, you can see a live view from your phone.
Versatile mounting and placement
On top of the dresser or on the wall, our mounting options help keep dangerous wires out of your baby’s reach while provide an unobstructed view into the crib (table/wall mount sold separately). The built-in rechargeable battery lets the camera move for temporary monitoring.
With our range of adorable, interchangeable characters, Arlo Baby compliments your nursery’s d?cor and becomes a part of your family. Puppy, green bunny, and kitten character sold separately.
Smart Home Ready
Arlo Baby works with Amazon Alexa on the Echo Show, Echo Spot, Fire TV, and Fire tablets (4th generation and newer) using simple voice commands. Arlo Baby also works with Apple HomeKit to let you ask Siri to stream video directly to your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
Product description
Style:Arlo Baby Camera | Configuration:Arlo Baby Camera w/ Grey Bunny Ears
Arlo baby - 1080P HD monitoring camera is an all-in-one smart baby monitoring camera. It provides live monitoring and smart alerts on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Key features include high definition video, night vision, motion & sounds alerts, 2-way talk, music player, Air sensor, rechargeable battery and multi-colored night light.
Product information
限定商品購買享特價 Style:Arlo Baby Camera | Configuration:Arlo Baby Camera w/ Grey Bunny Ears
Product Dimensions 9.2 x 7.7 x 4.4 inches
Item Weight 1.72 pounds
Shipping Weight 1.98 pounds
Item model number ABC1000-200NAS
Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required.
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: 特賣
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