2019-03-07 12:59:04珏吟

好書推薦 VOOYAGERS: The Secrets of Amenti

Drunvalo Melchizedek
Barbara Hand Clow
Kryon (Lee Carroll)
Barbara Marciniak
Patricia Cori
Aurelia Louise Jones
等等幾位大師的大作後,可以邁入更高階的意識典範巨作VOYAGERS. 這是目前我認為地球上的多次元意識訊息中最為完整、頻率涵蓋最廣範的一本書,建議先從前面幾位大師的作品中先入手,道次第,一步一步揭露靈魂密碼。
"The morphogenetic field of a person exists as part of the larger morphogenetic field of the planet, and so when a planet approaches the dimensional blending point in its time cycle, the person on the planet also reach that point. People's bodies and consciousness are composed of energy particles, and when the planet approaches transition and transmutation of some of its particles, people on the planet will also undergo this particle transmutation. Just as only portions of the planet's particles will be able to transmute and ascend into the next dimension through the morphogenetic wave, only portions of the human population will be able to transmute and ride with the planet on that wave of ascension. People who have fully assembled the third- and fourth- dimensional frequencies into their DNA (fully assembled the dimensional frequencies into their third and fourth DNA strand)will be able to ride that wave of ascension back into Tara's energetic tapestry, which perceptually constitutes a leap in time. The personal morphogenetic field and consciousness will be carried within the planet's morphogenetic wave, which will merge with Tara's fourth, fifth and sixth-dimensional particle and anti-particle structure. The matter particles of the portion of Earth and its people that were carried in the morphogenetic wave will then re-manifest out of the morphogenetic field into the Second Harmonic Universe frequency bands (dimensions 4, 5 and 6 ). These voyagers will find themselves in a new time cycle, upon a future version of Earth -Tara, whereas the people who did not catch the morphogenetic wave will continue on in their own First Harmonic Universe time cycle (dimensions 1, 2 and 3) "

摘自- Vo
lume II of the Emerald Covenant CDT Plate Translations. p41
作者:Ashayana Deane
