Kuthumi-Agrippa: New Energy Portal Grids
Energy Portal Grids
All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 14 March
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Michelle Manders and Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity,
healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity being honoured
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I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come
forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this time and to bring
to you blessings of recognition, trust, transformation and integration. Greetings
beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and
pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold you
firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
The time has come for the energy
grids of Mother Earth to be elevated into their higher vibrational expression
containing the divine codes of the Crystal Body Fields of new energising and
balancing energy.
Your journey thus far has brought
you to a point of recognising that life as you have known it is changing and no
longer can you continue following the pathways of the past if you are to rise
above the old world and its paradigms of restriction.
We are bringing forth a new
consciousness for you to integrate and develop the
understanding of how this energy
works through you, and with you.
For a number of years we have
transmitted many teachings guiding and supporting you in stepping into the
higher realm of your Authentic Self. We are now present to inform you that these
energies have given birth to a powerful new generating light and energy which
is performing a deep cellular shift in consciousness. This shift is
communicating with your genes, therefore, the blueprint of your incarnation is
now ready to undergo the greatest transformation of its existence so that the
different variations of the codes inside your genes can now emit a different
One’s DNA is not limited to a
single expression of itself, there are one hundred and forty-four expressions
present within each strand of DNA. The twelve strands which you know to be the
Blueprint of your life is your DNA, and we step forward to activate within you
this new establishment of energy bringing forth what we call the Crystal Body
Healing Field Energiser and the Crystal Body Healing Field Radiator. This
radiator is also a generator of energy.
The new frequencies which
represent the higher vibration of energy communicating through your genes, in
other words emitting this higher vibrational code, is also aligning with the higher
vibrational expression of the planetary archetypes, the Spirits which animate
This is attuned to areas of Mother
Earth’s body which is also undergoing the grand
we are presenting to you, therefore, the Crystal Body Healing Field Energiser and
Radiator is being anchored at specific portals across your planet. These
portals are what activate the dormant energy fields of the Ancient Sacred Codes
embodying The Truth and Wisdom of the Ages
of The Original Truth. Thus, you as a Light worker who has felt the call to
hear my words today, you are a part of formulating the energies contributing to
energising these grids, however, there are steps to be taken and necessary
processes of healing which you can now commit to in order to rise above the old
and truly step into the new.
The skeletal structure of
Mother Earth is the Crystal Kingdom; this kingdom is in the
throes of the profound change I speak of. The codes held
within the geometric structure of these crystals are very similar to the
genetic structure within your body.
Mother Earth’s Blueprint is changing, as is yours,
therefore the variations of codes being emitted in the past are now ascending
into the higher vibrational variations of coding which shall come into being to
be emitted.
We are activating a hundred and forty-four new grids of
higher expression, which our
channel has been directed to anchor at specific
geographic locations assisted by those who are guided to be present. This is a
vitally important process because it is eliminating the residual energies of
the Illuminati Matrix attempting to distract those who are ascending the old
paradigm, and pull them back into the Matrix of the old way.
Although the current initiations are challenging in
relation to facing the many aspects of your fate, know this, by committing to
rising above the emanations of the old codes you are creating a foundation upon
which structures shall be constructed manifesting many of the opportunities to
make the dreams of your lifetime a reality. The next eight years of your life, and
that of humanity, is of the utmost importance in relation to transformation and
transmutation so as to ensure the Grids of Greater Consciousness, Superior
Awareness and Supreme Intelligence be resuscitated in alignment with the higher
world and Star Tetrahedron Technology.
The geometric systems of consciousness coming forward to
connect with Lightworkers is what creates the pathway leading you into the
realms of your Higher Authentic Awareness and the integration thereof. The
Crystal Body Healing Field Energisers are assisting you in moving beyond these
paradigms at an accelerated rate, the challenge, however, is for you to trust
that you have within yourself the ability, stamina, discipline, patience and
perseverance to work through that which has debilitated you in your past and
paralysed you in your present so that your future is in all truth a new
paradigm of experience. In order for you to understand the new
language emitted through your genetic code you must understand yourself
and the energies animating you.
The Crystal Body Healing Field Energisers ensure that the
New Sacred Portals into the
dimensions of Supreme Intelligence be activated within
the Grids of Purity, Perfection and Peace, therefore, if you feel drawn to that
which I speak of and feel the need to participate in that which I speak of, you
need to embark upon the journey of ascending the old world by gaining a vaster
understanding of what motivates, paralyses and animates you, thus through understanding
your fear motivation, transmuting it, and rising above it, you discover the truth
lying within love motivation.
The Grids we are activating, which activate the Ancient
Portals which have been dormant until this time, bring forth Beings from the
Higher Superior Dimensions of Supreme Intelligence; these Beings are highly advanced
and embody qualities of love and wisdom humans as yet have not experienced.
These Beings are offering their services to Lightworkers who are willing and
prepared to invest the time and effort in rising above their fate and embracing
their destiny like never before.
All of you drawn to this, know this, this is the first
time in Earth’s spiritual history where vast groups such as yourselves will
ascend the old world and step into the realm of Conscious Masters who have
ascended the world of the Illuminati Matrix and lead the life of the Messengers
of God and Goddess, leading by example, and emancipating the human slaves from
the shackles of the old world, therefore mastering your life by overcoming
fear is what dis-empowers the Dark Forces, making you immune to their
For ages your planet has been under the influence of many
dark, ignorant and greedy
energies. As a result of pain, suffering, rage, war,
grief and poverty Mother Earth has
absorbed a number of these very malefic, dense and debilitating
energies which paralysed certain areas of her body, in other words, many of the
major and minor chakra points of her body shut down as a result of this
The Dawn of the New Light has arrived bringing forth the
Light of Souls who seek Truth, to collaborate and stand strongly in their
Light, centred within the Presence and Divine Emanations of the Superior
Sources of Love and Wisdom emanated through the Galactic Core and the major chakras
of the Essence Grid of Mother/Father God.
You are being afforded the opportunity to align your
energy with these Grids, and in so
doing, confirming your wish to rise above the old
paradigm in ways you have not done
before. This in fact raises the vibrations of energy
beyond the level present prior to Atlantis’ fall. Many of you are the Ancient
Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis who have returned and are being reminded of
your role and that it is time to serve now, to remember your role and rise
above the fear which has prevented you from not repeating the pattern of the
We have set in place thousands of energetic grids which
shall protect you should you choose to embark upon this journey. You will be
assigned Guardianship by these advanced Beings coming forward who will ensure
your protection and will assist in clearing from Mother Earth’s body the
darkness we have spoken of.
The malefic energies stored within Mother Earth’s body
has bled into the ethers which have penetrated the chakras, consciousness, and
energy fields of those who are vulnerable and ignorant. The ignorance we speak
of is that which lies dormant in the shadows, therefore, individuals who
through their own process of life harbour deep pain and sorrow are susceptible
to these energies infiltrating, thus the new energies of the Crystal Body
Healing Field Energiser and Radiator/Generator support the transmutation of
these energies, therefore the quest now to clear Mother Earth and humans of the
intensity of the darkness and malevolence of the ignorant world of fear based
consciousness is upon you, and we are intensifying and accelerating the journey
of healing for all who are willing to embark upon such a journey, and we will
increase the processes and opportunities that shall release souls from outdated
karmic contracts with forces of the dark world.
In the not too distant future our channel, accompanied by
a number of Lightworkers (and perhaps you may even be one of them) will travel
to specific geographic points on Mother Earth’s body where these Grids shall be
anchored, simultaneously transporting you through the dimensions of the
Illuminati’s Illusionary Matrix and liberating you from these impressions
encoded within your DNA.
The reconstruction of the “new”
codes are referred to as Epigentic Control, which is in actual fact your
ability to consciously choose and manage the energies motivating and animating you.
This you are able to do by forming strong relationships with the spiritual
energies that motivate and animate you, as well as the realms of nature, the
elements and the divine aspects of yourself reflected in the world around you.
We are now embarking upon the
higher level journey of helping humanity understand what is meant by “Light
Reflecting Light” therefore the activations, the Sacred Initiations and Programmes
of Ascension Awareness we deliver in the near future are what support those who
choose to embark upon the journey in their rise above the old, rising in love, merging
with light and reflecting that light into the world, and in so doing merging
with all aspects of Light Reflecting Light.
Precious ones, this is the call to
order, the new order of understanding the structure of the higher worlds now
ready to be anchored in your world. This is where the polarities of light and
dark meet, this is the point of tipping scales where the minority of
unconscious individuals continue to dissipate and the majority of conscious
individuals continues to grow and expand. By tipping the scales in this way,
you will be able to step into the Dynamic Design of your Destiny and embrace
the New Blueprint being presented to you affording you the opportunity to emit
the Higher Vibrational Codes embodied within your genetic structure, which were
constructed prior to your incarnation in conjunction with and under the
auspices of these Highly Advanced Superior Supreme Beings of Higher
Intelligence, Love and Wisdom.
The Solar Archangels are also
coming forward in their greater numbers establishing closer relationships with
those whom they have been assigned to work with.
The Grand Masters, Priestesses,
Goddesses, Priests and Gods of the Ancient Worlds of Superior Truth and Wisdom
also come closer, extending their hand of support to you, however they cannot
do anything with you until you grant permission, and your permission is granted
through your choice to rise above the old. This choice is acknowledged as a definite
“yes” by your actions taken with regard to the intention you have set and
choice made.
Are you ready and willing to
embody the sacred teachings we have transmitted over the years in a new way?
Are you ready and willing to do yourself the greatest favour of all lifetimes
and step into the realms of the higher archetypes of the nature of Spirit
animating you and all of humanity? Are you ready and willing to be a beacon of
light, a Healing Field Energiser/Radiator/Generator? If so, then open your eyes
to yourself, look into your heart, look into the reality of your current quality
of life, your state of consciousness and make your decision.
Shifting the dynamic of your
blueprint is a very real process and will change the quality of your life and
positively propel you in the direction of your destiny. Your challenge here is doubting
this can be true, doubting that any human will be afforded the opportunity to experience
so called “utopia” within the realm of chaos and darkness as it currently
The light cannot takes it place of
majority rule without souls such as yourself
embracing their inner light and
courage and courageously committing to the
pathway as an Authentic One and
rising above the old.
We will not fool you into
believing this will be an easy journey. This is the initiation of the Ascended
Ancient Ones coming forward to assist you in rising above the fate of this
lifetime, in other words stepping into the Higher Realms occupied by the
Ascended Masters whilst in physical form. This is no easy feat, it is not a
challenge to be taken lightly. You will be called upon to face your shadows, to
embrace your wounds and bring them into the light of the new day where they can
be healed, where the demons of darkness haunting and taunting you as a result
of past experience must also be brought into the light, loved to death and left
to rest in peace.
We understand initially few may
respond to this call, however, those who choose the journey and master the
initiations will radiate such immensity of light, peace and joy that others
will be unable to deny it. It is this light, peace and joy that become the
Beacons of Light leading the way for those trapped in the old world, and
because these Light-bearers understand exactly what it takes to align with the
higher vibrations of the Blueprint of Destiny, they, you, will be able to lead
many not into temptation, you will be able to accompany them through the
valleys of darkness, your heart, the purity of your authenticity, representing
the Lantern of Light showing them the way, and as the Lord is your Sheppard,
you too shall be the Sheppard to those who have lived in sheep’s clothing, who
in truth are lions courageously seeking their Voice of Truth so as to roar
their authentic sound and align with the divine signature of their unique code
and Blueprint.
These energies shall be mirrored
through the Sacred Portals to be resuscitated and realigned in the very near
future. Some have already been activated. We have called to our channel, the
vessel through which we now speak; she has been given instruction to travel to
Thailand– this is the first activation point for the New Grids, and through
the Dance of the Seven Veils in which one comes to understand the nature of the
Seven Planetary Spirits aligned with the seven major chakras of the body, these
higher vibrational frequencies of the Enlightened Eras of Consciousness can be
We have guided her to travel to
many other locations within Europe, the United Kingdom, North America, South
America and upon the African Continent. Many of you will be inspired to travel
with her. Make your journey, meet your destiny and unite with your Family of
Light awaiting you.
You are an integral part of the
group of souls who have been assigned the mission to assist in eradicating from
within Mother Earth’s body the malevolent, malicious, depressing energies which
entrap, imprison and enslave humanity. You are embarking upon journeys as a
Collective Body to release the trapped souls from the dungeons of darkness and
complete their journey through the underworld with Hades so as to ascend into
the Higher Worlds of The Holy Mansions of Heaven and take up their destined journey
working with the Beings of the Light who embody the Superior Supreme forces of
Love and Wisdom.
So surrender to the light codes of
your New Blueprint. Embrace these energies.
Acknowledge that you have
journeyed through many dimensions of darkness and that now, truly and honestly
your time has arisen, the time which enables you to merge with the greater
vision and expanded version of your Divine Destiny. Although the pathway is challenging,
know that the rewards will embody a wealth of many varieties enriching your life,
your spirit and your soul beyond anything you can imagine. The healing you shall
undergo, and the transformation you shall experience will assist Mother Earth
in experiencing a similar journey.
We have also asked our channel to
return to Mother Russia. When this happens, the energy of the dark world will
be facing its greatest threat of being overthrown. The East will be the next
point, the breakpoint for the darkness. We have assigned other Lightworkers to
activate these energies in the United States of America, in Australia and New
The islands that reside within the
water of Mother Earth’s body will also be touched, nothing will be left out and
no aspect of darkness will escape the light now coming forth.
So, precious ones, take some time
to consider what you are being presented with. Think about your life as it has
been, where it is now, and where it is going should you decide not to change or
heal anything.
We give our word. We promise new
life. We hold the doors open, however, we cannot guarantee you experience this
if you are not willing to do everything in your power to work with the new
energy. This is the greatest challenge of being in human form – the challenge
of you having to do it for yourself. You are the tool, the vessel, the vehicle
and the energising/radiating/generating body through which these new
energies can communicate through
you. If rejected you continue to be what was.
We know this sounds as if we are
asking a lot of you, but in truth we are only asking you to take full
responsibility for yourself and in so doing placing yourself in the position to
experience the powerful positive potential present within life. We are offering
you the opportunity to make your dreams a reality, as unreal as it sounds.
Seeing is not believing, believing results in you seeing what you are capable
of, and there is only one way to be free of your past, and that is to make
different choices and decisions and take different action in the present. There
is a new future awaiting you, are you going to come with us?
Beloved one, may the voice of your
all empowered Authentic Self be the one you respond to. May the light of the
new world beckon to you to embark upon the pathway as an Authentic One, and may
you come to experience the gift of new life.
I am Kuthumi-Agrippa, Chohan of
the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom, King of the Solar Archangels and my love is
with you. Adonai.
Kuthumi-Agrippa asks some very
important questions in the channelling. Write your answers down to his
questions in your journal. They are yes/no questions, however, take them a
little further and explore just why you are saying yes or no to any particular
Are you ready and
willing to embody the sacred teachings we have transmitted over the years in a
new way?
Are you ready and
willing to do yourself the greatest favour of all lifetimes and step into the
realms of the higher archetypes of the nature of Spirit animating you and all of
Are you ready and
willing to be a Beacon of Light, a Healing Field Energiser/Radiator/Generator?
“If so, then open your
eyes to yourself, look into your heart, look into the reality of
your current quality of life, your state of
consciousness and make your decision.” –
What is the reality of the current quality of your
life? What is your state of consciousness?
“You will be called
upon to face your shadows, to embrace your wounds and bring
them into the light of the new day where they can be
healed, where the demons of darkness haunting and taunting you as a result of
past experience must also be brought into the light, loved to death and left to
rest in peace .” – How do you feel
about having to face more of your shadow and embrace
more of your wounds?
“Think about your life
as it has been, where it is now and where it is going should
you decide not to change or heal anything.” – Don’t just
“think” about what Kuthumi-Agrippa says, write down what your life has been
like, where it is now and what will happen if you decide not to change or heal
“We are only asking you
to take full responsibility for yourself and in so doing placing yourself in
the position to experience the powerful positive potential present within life.
We are offering you the opportunity to make your dreams a reality as unreal as it
sounds. Seeing is not believing, believing results in you seeing what you are capable
of and there is only one way to be free of your past and that is to make different
choices and decisions and take different action in the present. There is a new
future awaiting you, are you going to come with us?” – How do you feel about taking
responsibility for yourself? Believing is seeing – does this statement make you
angry or upset? Are you going to come with Kuthumi-Agrippa and Co?