2011-04-02 08:08:18珏吟
夏威夷身心靈系列(2)--Sounding Circles Retreat
Share with you:) Love,Jade
p.s.剛剛看了工作坊內容,實在是太豐富了,包括聲音療癒,調和治療,Shakti瑜珈和氣功,Kirtan(一種用持咒來打開心輪的方法),神聖音樂舞蹈曼達拉,創作花朵曼達拉,以及聲音冥想等等,請參閱網站 (http://www.soundingcircles.com/Hawaii2011/About.html)
這個工作坊的地點位於大島海邊的靜養中心(Kalani retreat center),如果想來這裡靜養的朋友們,以下連結有一整年度的活動,請參考:
Sounding Circles Hawaii Retreat 2011 |
Join us for a week of sound healing on the Big Island: Sounding Circles Hawaii Retreat 2011 July 15th - 24th, 2011 Discover the incredible power of sound with a beautifully crafted series of vocal and movement exercises designed to bring mental clarity, physical vibrancy and vocal freedom. Your personal journey of discovery will be supported by a joyful and empowering group experience as you are expertly led in a variety of delicious shared sound and body explorations. Whether you are a practitioner, artist, musician, healer, therapist, teacher, professional, or group facilitator your work/life will be enriched with new awareness and skill incorporating the collective wisdom of traditional and leading edge sound healing methods. Location: Kalani Oceanside Retreat, Big Island of Hawaii Facilitated by: Joule L'adara, Elvina Munir & Elana De Veaux Please go to our website for details, photos and retreat rates: http://www.soundingcircles. For more information please email: joule@soundingcircles.com Join Sounding Circles on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/