The Solitude & Sovereignty of the Divine Self" AA Metatron
The Earth-Keeper Chronicles - July2010 -Metatron Message
Embracing Sacred Sovereignty
The Divine Path of Calibration
AA Metatron via Tyberonn
Greetings Beloved!I am Metatron, Lordof Light, and we welcome this
gathering. We surround each of you ina specially created vector of
Unconditional Love. A vector ofnonlinear space that is uniquely
opened as each of you read these wordsfrom your own space and chosen
The present phase of linear time onyour planet is a uniquely
opportune juncture for self-review andchosen solitude. Masters many
of you, particularly those above theage of 49, the seventh 7 year
cycle, find yourselves in a state ofsolitude, after spouses have
passed, relationships terminated andmarriage contracts have ended.
And although this path is at timesquite lonely, quite difficult and
may feel 'unnatural' for many of you,it is with purpose. So we tell
you to use this time wisely, embraceit. You are on the cusp of a
great graduation.
Now there is a recurring message inmany of your religious texts that
says "For everything there is aseason, a time for every purpose under
Indeed there is a time for solitude.Divine Solitude is a noble
condition, and one that offers quantumleaps in terms of growth, when
understood, and recognized for itsprofound purpose.
You see the Divine-Self is ultimately,conclusively alone in its final
pursuit of omnipotence.
In your terms, the soul enters theearth alone, and the spirit departs
the earth alone. Ascended Masters thatwalk the Earth, have for
millennia sought solitude in theirincarnations before achieving
Mastery. So it is with many of younow.
Dear Ones, Many of you who findyourself alone at this time, are of
the belief that you must find apartner. Many of you seek your 'soul
mate' your twin flame. Yet we tellyou, in many cases among the
advanced souls, you are alone becauseyou have planned it. Indeed it
is a special and noble undertaking. Itis time for Divine Solitude.
Solitude for those seeking sanctifiedlight, for those seeking, what
is termed 'consecrated enlightenment'chose specific periods in their
life plan, to be alone for a time.This does not mean you will always
be in solitude, it simply means for atime you have chosen it to 'work
on the self'; to achieve self love.Among souls seeking Mastery,
approximately one of every three orfour lifetimes, is a lifetime
chosen for solitude.
Loving the SELF is a Requirement
Love of self is a condition that many,especially those from Christian
heritage, have lost. Christianity withits teachings of original sin
taught you that you were flawed inyour nature, that you needed
forgiving. You spent lifetimesprostate asking forgiveness for who you
are. You lost your sense of yourdivinity, and found it easier to give
than to receive. Balance wasforfeited.
Now, we tell you that as the Earthtransforms to the new Crystalline
Age, the nature of energy resonanceand the dimensional grasp of the
planet is expanded. There is alessening of the influence of duality/
polarity for those of you that chooseto extend beyond the third
You may ask whether solitude orpartnerships bring greater advancement
to the soul. The question is timelyand especially pertinent for many
of you in the dawn of the Ascension.
The short answer is that both couplingand solitude have their divine
purpose. . and we underline the wordBOTH. Much is gained in being in
committed loving relationship. This isthe natural circumstance in
most sojourns on the plane of Earth.
But Masters, we tell you that there isalso great purpose also in
solitude. It is in fact a requisite.
It is no error that great numbers ofyou on the finals steps of the
path of enlightenment are alone inthis period. Now is the prelude to
the coming Ascension. If you are amongthese, we tell you that perhaps
your solitude is appropriate. Perhapsit is as it should be. You see
it is how many of you planned it.
Yet many of you feel that theloneliness is too much to bear and that
you must pursue a partner. .theelusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there
is much confusion around the conceptof the twin flame, the 'soul
mate', and the role and nature ofoptimal partnership in Mastery of
Solitude and Nondependency
Solitude is intended to be a period ofsublime reverence of self. Your
life and your experience in this planeis your own creation, your own
living tapestry, woven by yourindividual belief. Within solitude, the
soul is prompted into self-review, andopportunity is given to dive
deeply into the deep waters that flowwithin you. To swim in the ocean
of SELF, and in so doing rediscoverthe love within, to learn what a
brilliant spark of God you truly are.
Relationships are a method ofreflecting the affectivity of your
belief system, and giving you feedbackon what, simply stated, is
working, and what is not. Detachmentrequires the individual to
explore the self, to reacquaint withthe inner horizon, and this
facilitates and necessitatessovereignty. Sovereignty is the
prepotency of Mastership.
A relationship of two sovereignnondependent humans has greater
balance, greater creativity, andgreater longevity than a pairing of
two beings co-dependent on oneanother. Do you understand?
Ultimately each soul must clearlydefine SELF in order to gain
Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied inperiods of planned detachment. It
is that period in which impeccabilityis crystallized. And we tell you
Dear Ones, crystallization, throughimpeccability is a necessary phase
of Self- Mastery. It is acalibrational juncture in the
multidimensional sojourn. One entersthe void, the great mystery in
the quest for fortitude and sovereignvision, alone, without a
shoulder to lean on. And in theprocess, one discovers sublime
wholeness and self completion.
Do not misunderstand our meaning;there is great validity in coupling,
in the natural aspect of soul mate.But conclusively one walks the
path of Mastery in sovereigndetachment.
One becomes enlightened when onelearns to transcend the physical
self. Each of you must endeavor to thefinal conquest of what we term
as 'impeccability'. Impeccability isthe crystallization or uniform
clarity of the soul, and it is anecessary virtue of Mastery. This
involves release of dependency, therelease of all that does not serve
your divinity. It is a rebooting andreprogramming of all you are.
We have told you that the language,the fabric of higher dimension is
sacred geometry. Impeccability is thegeometric clarity of the soul
mind. By defining oneself throughimpeccability one becomes
crystalline, and thus more capable ofDivine Consciousness within the
geometric light of coherent higherplanes. It is only accomplished by
deciding who you are, what youbelieve, and then living it.
Recognizing your truths, and aligningfully to them.
Question to Metatron: Are you sayingthat loving relationships, such
as marriage, are not our ultimateunion?
AAMetatron: Remember that in thehighest realm you are in sacred
Oneness, each a part of the DivineOne. So in terms of duality
experience, the answer to yourquestion is yes. In this context,
YES! Masters, in highest reality, youare a unified plural
Relationships in the linear dualityexperience are a means to the end.
We are saying that lovingrelationships are a sacred, joyful tool of
achieving Self Mastery, but thatultimately in each soul's journey;
there is requisite ultimate growthinto sovereignty. The sovereign
self is a sufficient self & trulyhas no dependent need of another.
Such conceptual dependency can be adeterrent to Mastery.
In truth you merge in sovereignty withyour other half. The other part
of your soul that separated in dualityexpression. Each of you have a
male and female component, and theother half is re-merged in the
Integral Divine Self before risinginto higher realm.
Many of you consider a soul mate andtwin flame the same. Only the
syntax is in parity. The true meaningsare different. The twin flame
is the other half of the same soul,split in duality, and these are
rarely in physicality together. The'soul mate' is in our terms,
another soul with whom you havecontracted to grow together within
physical duality, as a means ofdevelopment and exploration of love
with another soul. Movement towardcommon purpose.
The seeming paradox in linearrelationships, that of the 'soul mate'
concept (not the twin flame) is that arelationship of two non-
dependent sovereign beings, hasgreater joy, greater balance, greater
interface with the divine, greateropportunity for advancement than a
relationship based on co-dependence.Do you see?
In this time, in this now, many of youare actually merging with your
etheric (non-physical) twin flame, andmolding your sacred fullness
into one physicality in order for youto enter the crystalline realm
in wholeness. In most cases this soulreconnection is accomplished in
solitude or in sovereign non dependentrelationships.
So we say embrace your chosen periodof SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the
sign of your souls intent to enterinto Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.
The Divine Feminine
We add that many who are in this life,of the female gender, have
chosen particularly effacious roles inthe balancing of the planet at
this time. Is it not true that theplanet has been imbalanced in an
overage of patriarchal energies formillennia? That is why it would
appear that a vast majority of those drawnto the 'New Age' are
female, you see, to anchor in theDivine Feminine. Females have been
conditioned and labeled in yourcurrent paradigm as the 'weaker sex'.
Nothing could be farther from thetruth!
Many of the females, who findthemselves now in single status, are
conditioned to feel they must have apartner. Again, we say, embrace
your solitude. You chose it, we honoryou for the path you have
The ideal for the planet, is not to befemale or male, rather a
perfect balance of BOTH, but it is atthe moment still in an imbalance
of patriarchal resonance. We honorthose of you in female biology,
you're strength is indeed progressingin creating the nurturing
Truly the over-soul is androgynous,self-contained. Self-sufficient.
That does not mean that love is notthe frequencial basis of the soul,
indeed it is the highest vibration. Itis the resonance that is
produced by the Ascended Soul to theCosmos, and reflected back as a
collective harmonic of crystallinelove. There is a time when those of
you have played the role of soulmates, will individualize, and in
your terms, part in joy. The evolvedsoul in achieving omnipotence,
will become consummately selfsufficient, and in so doing radiate
spectacular unconditional love to ALL.That is as it should be, as it
must be. It is how you Ascend.
Embracing Sovereignty
The final graduation of the soul isnot done in pairing, you see. It
is done within the Divine SELF inuniversal harmonic to the All that
is. Do you understand? This is theactivation of Self to the divine
resonance of the Quantum CrystallineField. Separation must
osmatically occur before the finalcollective reunion, it must occur
to allow for the final coalescenceinto the ALL THAT IS.
It is who you ARE. It is the IAM thatI AM.
Our point here, is that if you findyourself in Solitude, recognize
its purpose. If you are in arelationship refine it in beauty to the
greater love of non-dependence. Youwill indeed discover the love
expands and the relationship becomesmore splendid in non dependency;
just as you are discoveringrelationships of co-dependency are
imbalanced one way streets, and fail.
In sovereignty humanity will seethemselves in this framework as
being 'whole' and not being theirpartner's property or someone's
'better half'. Each will bring theirintegral, whole SELF in fullness,
in robust flow of energy intorelationship, in a manner that often
does not occur today. There are preagreed points that allow for
freedom of choice and for change, evenif that change is to end the
partnership. In sovereigntyindividuals share their best, without
compromise of ideals. Each willrecognize the divinity of the other,
and retain the integrity of SELF.
They will afford their own promises,promises and choices of a new
paradigm, but there will be avenuesand opportunities of adjustments
and the ability of reviewing terms.This will allow for greater
recognition of the SELF. These will bedesigned to prevent energy
blockage and reduce dysfunctionalmarriages and divorce complications
and lawsuits, you see.
Some relationships in these terms willindeed last a lifetime, some
will not. But the archetype ofsovereignty will better support both,
based on choice and mutual agreementof each individuals terms. And
as such independence becomes joyful ,devoid of one partner being
dominant and imposing their beliefs,morality and will over another.
Humankind, in mass today, truly doesnot recognize or understand
their soul, their divine SELF. Self isunfortunately regulated to the
realm of ego personality by themasses. It is true that a higher
degree of the light quotient isawakened on the planet now, than has
occurred at any other time, but it isstill only about 10% of the
population of eight billion plus thathas awakened. That is a
sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be
Religion in the New Paradigm
Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly
recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of
your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your
religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial
multi-dimensional origins. And that must come to understanding in the
new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can
accurately and completely express the true history of man on the
earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today.
Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to
know the path to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none
truly do. Each has its dogma, each hasits hierarchy and controls.
Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on
the planet, and so this seeking initself has the potential to bring
in the light. Few religious teachersare true teachers, scholars
perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even
within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'. Few who make claim to
channel Ascended Masters or Angelicstruly do.
When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is
disconnected, and all who are humanare subject to fall in and out of
integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul
to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own
divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru,
evangelist, channeller or spiritualleader, but through SELF. Accept
only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and
do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel
your higher selves. Study, look,listen, discern, review and only
accept what resonates within you.
The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of
SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-
definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with
the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek,
and work ! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make
known the unknown ! Work at it ! Be a warrior of light within duality,
for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not
easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it
fuels all you require to move forward,and there is another level
above each you ascend to.Consciousness ever expands.
Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one
another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one ! Discover
the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility
of solitude.
And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely , know
that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and
lack no thing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred
nature of integral wholeness, incomplete and abundant bliss.
I am Metatron,Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!
You are Beloved.
. .And so it is.
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