給 Light worker 的一封信--Surrender
Dear Light family,
The solstice created the grounding energy, so that everything could then follow. Thus, things would begin to manifest and move, after the arrival of the solstice. And it is a very deep and grounded connection we now have access to. Because everything is indeed connected, in this way, one piece affects another….meaning that one energy must reach a certain place before it can reach out and connect to another energy. In this way, then, some energies are still waiting for the energies in front of them, to complete their new connection before they can then in turn, reach back and connect again to the corresponding energy behind them. All these pieces eventually create a whole, or new grid. And in addition, many are still deciding.
The new reality is very new indeed. It is a blank canvass waiting for our artist brushes to apply the paint, guiding the colors oh so precisely in order to create whatever we choose. It is indeed empty now, so that we can start very new…all over again from scratch. So even though we may have the paint and the brush, it is up to us to decide what we are going to paint. We can direct the paint intentionally, or we can place some paint here and there, and then see what may have emerged. So then, knowing what we are going to paint before we begin can greatly help (it has for me), but at the same time, experimenting with the paint can also lead to the emergence of something new as well.
It feels empty now because it is. The way that I finally connected to my new space was through surrender. I had to really and truly get out of the way and give up. I ended up opening to things and new spaces that I would have never imagined possible, and that were also very far beyond what I thought I was capable of. But once I surrendered to it all and allowed it to manifest, supports arrived at every turn (especially after I was certain of and willing to accept my new direction). In this way, many of us will be dedicated now to the humanitarian aspects of our new endeavors, as serving with disregard to our own needs will carry us on a white fluffy cloud, while our own needs are miraculously met with ease when we discontinue paying attention to them.
Surrendering can help in identifying our new direction. Allowing it to unfold while being willing to accept things grander than we have ever imagined, and that were seemingly not our idea, can help as well. This is because we are stepping into the next phase of our soul shoes, and this next phase is amazing, grand, and allows us to become so much more of our original soul blue print and intention. This next phase is what we really came here for. It is absolutely finally time. It is the fun and juicy part. So then, being willing to become our true and authentic selves, with our true and authentic purpose, while letting go of a smaller and more diluted version of who we thought we were, can place us there more readily.
If you feel you have already surrendered, and are still confused, you may not have really let go all the way. Letting go means really giving up everything that you thought you wanted. It means giving up energetically…completely. Not hoping someone will buy your failing business, or holding on while you are waiting for something to change or save you. That is still holding on. It means being willing to disconnect from everything, before you start anew. No wishing, wanting, hoping for certain pieces to arrive to save you or that will allow you to leave, or the like. And I am referring to letting go energetically here…not suggesting that one physically walk away, unless that is a comfortable decision.
As we leave certain spaces, there will be new arrivals on our old rungs of the vibrational ladder who are now ready to occupy these spaces. So then, again, we arrive somewhere new, which leaves a vacancy, and someone new will then occupy it. The shaking up process of the solstice is creating the changes and new decisions that will be made, in order for these very new arrivals to finally get here. And know as well, that where many are going is still in the process of being created by the forerunners. We are going somewhere very new, and it is not about us…it is about our soul’s contribution to humanity and the new reality. In other words, a higher version of us.
So then, some individuals may still be occupying the no space, because they have either not surrendered all the way, allowing their final release into the next dimensional reality, or (more than likely)… they may be waiting for their new connection to reach out to them, as there are currently forerunners paving the way and opening the new doors for all to follow. The new connections form an amazing grid and domino effect…all perfectly placed to connect together at precisely the right time.
In addition, whenever we arrive in new territory at new dimensional levels, it is very common to experience a brief period of darkness. At the moment of the solstice, everything dark and unpleasant that we had previously succeeded in parting from, may have suddenly arrived once again, seemingly pestering us for a connection. It may have seemed as if we were going backwards, but this is always part of the process. This time is very brief, and then it is over, and it can arrive at different times for everyone.
With much love and gratitude,