2014-02-05 19:15:51Tempsfuit
EQ提昇日記二七:Morning Person
Don't have much time and not in the mood for blabbering so here's a quick post in English.
I want to be more of a morning person. I know in my line of work there is no use to be up at 6am but at least I'd like to be in office by 8am. Why? Because it allows me to plan out my day and not feel rushed in the morning.
Instead of staying behind which I was more than happy to do, I will also start just a bit earlier so eventually I can clear out my desk.
No hating but this cold has to go, and this feeling of uncertainty needs to be thrown out the window.
Tomorrow is a fresh new day, whatever is in the past let it stay in the past.
Last complaint of the day: Indians are fucking idiots, selfish, pushy, egonistic, fucking annoying. If it weren't for the business I would never entertain you stinky bunch, you deserve to be treated with disdain! It doesn't matter that you have Singaporean citizenship, you are still Indians through and through. Ok well I'm going to tell myself I can't show any of these thoughts to their face, EQ remember? I have got to keep these thoughts to myself, and show them the time of the day. Assholes.
Tomorrow I will wake up, feeling refreshed, get on to my accounting, and understand my situation thoroughly.
Let today be the last day of this feeling of panic.
Grateful for the love from staff on a day as bleak as this.