2014-01-29 07:01:14Tempsfuit
EQ提昇日記二一: When faced with adversity
Ok so it had been an interesting couple of days.
What to do when life throws you a curve ball and take you off course?
Do you fight to thrive?
Or do you let it drift you along for a bit before finding your feet?
Can I say impatience is a virtue?
I'm getting so sick of drowning under incompleted tasks, worrying about other people's incompleted tasks, and dealing with people with anger issues most likely spurred by the heat wave..
Let me sip on my iced tea and work through the mess in an organised, calm manner.
There are phone calls to return, people to contact, and even if the fort is under fire, fortitude will combust all adversities.
2014-01-29 12:35:05