2012-06-19 21:57:44Tempsfuit
This beauty called Kim Taeyeon
You got me hooked a long time girl...and I don't even like short girls, you held me hostage against my will you amazing you.
She's such a weird person too.
Taeyeon: When I was in kindergarten I played a game with my teacher: to correctly guess a fruit by eating it with my eyes closed and nose blocked. I honestly knew all the fruits. But I wanted to eat more so I lied, “I’m not sure what it is, teacher.” Then I got another bite of the apple.
Taeyeon: I tried to fake an illness once. You know how your fingertips turn cold when you have indigestion? Using that fact … the handrails are made of metal, right? I put my fingertips on it for a while and then said to the nurse: “I must have indigestion. My fingertips are cold.” But I was just given some medicine and was sent to class…
Taeyeon: Did you know that I used to watch TV with my mouth open? So Tiffany, or another member next to me, would close my jaw for me. I did that throughout all my trainee days. I goof off. I keep spacing out.
lee sunny妳有貼過圖 不賴啊!!
目前她和kim taeyeon都不錯
(趕快去偷窺 CC)
唉你這個偷窺狂, 算了不和你計較.
2012-06-25 18:31:17
妳自己的進階版? XD
哈哈, 當然我自己是我的最愛啦 (干嘛丟西紅柿啊!)說真的啦少女時代裡面我喜歡好幾個, lee sunny算是我的最愛吧我很欣賞她的, 然後是kim taeyeon, seohyun的毅力讓我佩服, im yoona好正又是典型雙子座我喜歡, yuri很性感也傻傻的我喜歡, jessica的身材是最好的時尚品味又好我喜歡...哎呀糟糕, 9個我就喜歡了6個噗哈哈哈 2012-06-24 23:55:41
DaeDae! DaeDae! DaeDae!