2006-10-09 21:41:56Tempsfuit

South Of Nowhere 第二集


Ashley這個同年大的姐姐/妹妹好漂亮~[我移情別戀的也太快了吧?! Sorry Ashley ><]

Spencer這么快就對Chelsea和Clay出軌了, 可愛說!

A note to Spencer: just because now you’re a lesbian doesn’t mean you have to be a slut, cover yourself up girl!! Oh, sorry, I forgot Ashley really don’t have time to notice you these days, any method used to get laid again is therefore legitimate. I get it! Boohoo!!

Once upon a time there were two pretty princesses...and they lived in a beautiful house...but there were the evil mother superiors...

This story is somewhat turning into a fairy tale...what? Oops, again I’m the only one. :P
純粹手癢, 放好看的圖.

Spencer笑起來和我第一任女友很像, 不過她是金發, 不是Spencer的帶褐色.
公平的來講, 演Aiden的這個演員很帥.