2019-08-12 07:56:45xxnfr5dx9hxv

【開店送禮推薦】Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座 居家達人



時候有提到想購買Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座












Maxi-Cosi Child Car Seat Pearl One i-Size including FamilyFix One i-Size 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019

The Maxi-Cosi child safety seat Pearl One is suitable for children with a body height between 67 cm and 105 cm and is to be installed in a rear-facing mode only. The trendy child car seat is certified according to the i-Size norm and complies with the highest safety standards. It can be used only when combined with the FamilyFix One i-Size base which is already included in this convenient set.

Group/ size:

  • Suitable for children with a body height between 67 cm and 105 cm

  • Suitable for a body weight from 9 to 18 kg

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months up to 4 years of age

Conforms to the norm:

  • i-Size (R129)

This user-friendly child car seat which features a super convenient handling will delight you and your child immediately. This innovative "Easy-Out" system helps you fasten and release your child in a quick and easy way. The height of the headrest and the harness can be adjusted easily and simultaneously so that the seat adapts perfectly to the height of your little one.信用卡購物回饋

In combination with the FamilyFix One i-Size base, your little passenger can travel safely only when the elegant Pearl One is installed in a rear-facing mode. Visual and acoustic signals indicate that the child car seat has been installed correctly and thus reduce the risk of misuse and incorrect installation. In order to supply your child from birth up to an age of four years with maximum safety, the child car seat must be attached to the car in a rear-facing mode. Another feature of the i-Size safety standards is the improved side impact protection that provides even more protection for your little one's head and neck.

Furthermore, the Pearl One features an adjustable sitting and recline position, a spacious padded seat and soft belt pads and thus provides the perfect comfort relaxed car rides.

In case the cover got dirty, you can remove it and wash it by hand at 30°C. The great colours make the trendy look of this modern and compact Maxi-Cosi child safety seat complete.

Details of the child safety seat Pearl One i-Size:


  • group 0/ 0+

  • Installation ONLY in combination with the Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix One i-Size base

  • Child car seat is to be used in a rear-facing mode only (up to a body height of 105 cm)

  • Part of the FamilyFix One i-Size concept

  • Improved safety standards provide better protection for child's head and neck

  • Innovative "Easy-Out" harness, five-point harness

  • Simultaneous adjustment of headrest and harness

  • Side Protection System

  • Removable and washable cover

  • Dimensions: 61 x 47.5 x 50 cm

  • Weight: 8.75 kg

Details of FamilyFix One i-Size:

  • Compatible with Maxi Cosi infant car seat Rock and Maxi Cosi child car seat Pearl One i-Size

  • Part of the FamilyFix One i-Size concept

  • 網路最夯商品
  • For driving in a rear-facing mode form birth up to an age of 4 years

  • Visual and acoustic signal confirms correct installation
  • 周年慶活動限時優惠商品

  • Dimensions: 69 x 65.5 - 91.5 x 35.5 cm

  • Weight: 8.35 kg




Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座







侯友宜關心元旦交通輸運 交控中心視察

: (記者黃秀麗新北報導)為關心元旦連假期間新北市交通輸運,新北市長侯友宜29日前往新北市交通控制中心視查,了解連假期間交通輸運情形,指示交通局加速資訊整合並引進新興科技打造智慧運輸管理中心。




交通局長 鍾鳴時表示,未來將檢討現況,引進新興技術提升新北市交通控制中心服務效能。交通局也呼籲,為避免元旦連假期間路況壅塞並節省時間,市民朋友出遊時請多多利用大眾運輸工具,並可透過「元旦連假交通懶人包」、警廣電臺及各地資訊可變標誌系統等獲知即時交通資訊,隨時掌握各地區即時路況,讓出遊期間交通更加順暢。(自立晚報2018/12/29)

Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

CP值爆表, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

熱門商品, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

熱賣, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

經典, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

團購, Max居家達人i-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

最便宜, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

開箱, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

推薦, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

評價, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

搶便宜, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

好用商品推薦, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含Fam刷卡限時購物優惠ilyFix One i-Size底座

推薦實用居家用品, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

特價, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

好康分享, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

非買不可, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

CP值超高, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

買到賺到, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

優惠中, Maxi-Cosi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

強檔精選, Maxi-C購買家電推薦osi邁可適Pearl One i-Size兒童安全座椅包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座
