2017-02-24 22:17:04xvnjcke
algebraic expressions - equation
algebraic expressions - equation
algebraic expressions - equation (Write down an equation connecting the unknown) 3.Rose's money is less than half of Mary's by $120.Rose has $39. Let $x be the amount that Mary has. And also,It is the best to explain the answers and the questions.
Let $x be the amount that Mary has x/2 - 120 = 39 x/2 = 159 x = 318 Hence, Mary has $318
algebraic expressions - equation
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發問:algebraic expressions - equation (Write down an equation connecting the unknown) 3.Rose's money is less than half of Mary's by $120.Rose has $39. Let $x be the amount that Mary has. And also,It is the best to explain the answers and the questions.
Let $x be the amount that Mary has x/2 - 120 = 39 x/2 = 159 x = 318 Hence, Mary has $318