2005-02-08 08:37:22Top

[Linguistics] Gender lines redrawn

這學期上了Robin Lakoff 的 Language and Gender課。

Robin 很喜歡在課堂上講Larry Summers (哈佛校長,說女生可能先天上不適合念理科,因而引起軒然大波)的事


Martha Stewart--(忘了what about herⰠ不過我今天才知道原來他以前是模特兒...)

The Bushes and the Clintons--
Bush's hyper-masculinity vs. the Clintons' crossline of gender (He's the girl and she's the man)
Robin認為布希是"Deeply closeted gay man" 因為只有deeply closeted gay man才這麼想要強調自己的masculinity

Ghettoization of women-- Soccer moms and security moms
(what are security moms?)

Reversion of the old '50s and '60s--
Remake of Stepford Wives (Nicole Kidman那部超完美嬌妻)
還有最近最紅的電視影集:Desperate Housewives
討論的結果是they're extremely bored
either that, or it's an irony saying they're extremely busy (like Marcia Cross's character)

Renaming of Women studies as Gender studies--
Robin說這是某種的euphemistic substitution
as if any studies on women are deemed as of less scholarship value)
而且他非常義憤填膺,men practically dominate every field of studies, 現在連這一小塊都要來搶!
奇怪的是,你就不會把African studies稱為 Race studies
你要怎麼改稱gay and lesbian studies? ;)

Sex-select of abortion
as in China or India

Anyway, 還有一些很有趣的討論
作者竟然還用"female genius"來形容,"it so popped out"
就像你會說doctor vs. female doctor, professor vs. female professor
nurse vs. male nurse
我突然想到Friends裡male nanny那一集,Rachel反問Ross有什麼事只有男人能作女人不能做的?
Ross想了半天想不出來,結果Joey想都不想就說dildo model !