2007-05-25 09:14:13雜耍藝人+G.P+泡菜


1. Portland
2. Seattle
3. Atlanta
4. Memphis
5. Boston
6. Milwaukee
7. Minnesota
8. Charlotte
9. New York1
10. Sacramento
11. Indiana (To Atlanta)
12. Philadelphia
13. New Orleans
14. LA Clippers

Following is the order for the remainder of the 2007 NBA Draft:

15. Orlando (To Detroit)
16. Washington
17. New Jersey
18. Golden State
19. LA Lakers
20. Miami
21. Denver (To Philadelphia)
22. Toronto (To Charlotte via Cleveland)
23. Chicago2
24. Cleveland (To Phoenix via Boston)
25. Utah
26. Houston
27. Detroit
28. San Antonio
29. Phoenix
30. Dallas (To Philadelphia via Denver and Golden State)

曼菲斯也算夠衰的 明明墊底卻 球比人家多一兩百個
連前2名也沒有 慘.....
