2019-03-03 03:19:16wysusakywikk

【最新精品推薦】Britax R-mer Child Car Seat King II – Black Series 熱賣商品哪裡便宜

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Britax Römer Child Car Seat King II - Black Series 設計式樣: Wine Rose · 2019

The Britax Römer child car seat King II is suitable for your little explorer at the age of 9 months up to 4 years. It features a built-in side and frontal impact protection which provide your child with a high level of safety during every ride in your car. The latest elegant Black Series is Britax' reaction to the high demand for a child safety seat with a black seat shell. You, as a customer, now have the option to choose a version of this child car seat that suits your style and your vehicle best.

Group / weight category:

  • Group 1

  • Suitable for children with a body weight of 9 kg to 18 kg

  • Age suitability: from approx. 9 months up to 4 years

Conforms to standard:

  • ECE R44/04

The foldable seat shell provides you with optimum accessibility and visibility when installing the safety seat. The King II can easily be attached to your car by using the standard three-point seat belt. The patented belt tensioning system ensures that the Britax Römer child car seat King II is installed in a safe and rigid way.

Its deep, high and soft side wings provide your child with optimum side impact protection. Your little passenger is to be fastened in the child car seat by using the five-point harness. The central belt length adjustment ensures a perfect adaption of the harness to the body size of your little one. Special shoulder pads reduce the forward displacement of your child and the levels of stress that occur in the event of a side impact. The light and sound indicator tells you whether you have fastened your child with the correct tension - that way, you can start your journey feeling reassured that your little one is safe.

The Britax Römer King II is equipped seat that can be adjusted in four different positions - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of leaning back and taking a little nap in between times. Furthermore, the soft padded cover and the height-adjustable headrest and shoulder pads provide your little one with highest seating and reclining comfort. The height-adjustment is done with only one hand.


  • Black Series - black seat shell

  • Suitable from approx. 9 months up to 4 years

  • Installation via car's own seat belt, patented belt tensioning system, easy installation

  • 5-point harness with central belt length adjustment

  • 人氣商品排行榜挖好康>熱賣商品哪裡便宜
  • Deep, high, soft padded side wings for optimum side impact protection for your child

  • Height-adjustable headrest and shoulder pads - can be operated with only one hand

  • Seating positions can be adjusted in four different levels

  • Soft padded cover, removable and washable

  • Weight: 10.3 kg

  • Dimensions: H 67 x W 45 x D 54 cm

  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer Child Car Seat King II – Black Series





NBA》比爾生涯首度大三元達陣 巫師苦戰3延長射日

今天華盛頓巫師在主場迎戰鳳凰城太陽的比賽,儘管巫師少了沃爾(John Wall),但二當家比爾(Bradley Beal)硬起來了! 這場比賽比爾全場拿下40分、抓下11籃板傳出15次助攻,率領巫師和太陽殺到三度延長賽後驚險拿下勝利。


今天巫師贏球的功臣除了比爾之外,還有奇兵布萊恩(Thomas Bryant),他老兄今天全場14投14中拿下31分,是NBA繼1995年的名人堂球員「手套」裴頓(Gary Payton)後,再度有球員能打出如此表現的球員,這場比賽前兩次延長加賽裡,布萊恩就包辦全隊18分裡的16分,31分也是小將布萊恩生涯最高得分。

相信大家對於布萊恩有著一定程度的印象,2016-17年賽季,洛杉磯湖傳奇球星「小飛俠」布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)退役後,球團在該年暑假的選秀會上,以第二輪第42順位選進小布萊恩,當時還有許多球迷認為,湖人球衣上不該出現另外一位布萊恩。

不過很可惜,小布萊恩在湖人只待了一年,今年夏天湖人為了爭取更多薪資空間來簽下詹姆斯(LeBron James),選擇釋出小布萊恩,但值得慶幸的是,他本季順利成為巫師輪替陣容的一員,22場比賽先發16場,場均拿下6.2分以及4個籃板。



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中央社記者黃旭昇新北市傳真 107年9月15日

Britax R?mer Child Car Seat King II – Black Series

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