2004-07-13 11:47:00韋麥斯



我還好記得上年的 No Offer,也記得今年的跛下跛下去考試.所有的痛苦和無奈,我永世不會忘記.

很多人說,要忘記傷痛. 但對於我一個又懶又無料的男仔,或許傷痛才能使我存活. 討厭過去自己,才有機會走向未來的自己.而灰色就是過去和未來的連接點吧.

我正在給自己機會.....試放POLY入BandA choices.是給我喜愛的大學一個機會.試放LU BBA,是給我獨立和清靜的一個機會.試放City 入Band B是給我讀大學BBA的機會. 我其實只是俾自己一個機會去努力和進步而已.我最終會去哪.我不知道~

我要多謝很多陪我走過AL的好朋友和每一個看這個板的朋友, 我都很感激.多謝你地花時間在我身上和忍受那些我亂up一通的語句.

更重要的是,我真係好多謝 Econ Lau.我知道我無左你的話,F.5就係我學業的終結.更無可能今年可以用Econ的成績去搏入大學..

最後,以我的Jupas的Profile 作結,並以本文紀念我的AL和過去:
I love thinking! Economics is a subject that helps me to think systematically and objectively by marginal thinking. I am deeply impressed by the great explanatory and predictive power of various economic theories and interested in studying them in depth.

I have built up confidence from the experience of taking part in public speaking competition and being a Prefect. I have good communication skills.It should,however,be admitted that I am not a gifted student.And this year,I need to retake the HK Advanced Level Examination.It is well to profit by the follies of mine.It shows that I have to make more effort in my path of studies.

Nevertheless,I expect to boost my confidence and critical thinking ability through having discussions on economic issues and conducting research projects with a team of scholars in tertiary education. I treasure the chance of receiving systematic training in Economics at university.

I love Economics very much and there is also a personal reason behind it. In F.5, my economic teacher, Miss Lau, really shows her enthusiasm for teaching .She is my model teacher setting a good example for me. If I can be a teacher,I will do what she does.What I desire most is to contribute myself to society by applying my knowledge to real life.