2006-04-04 18:08:02yaung
Himalayan Wooden Cabin喜瑪拉雅山小木屋
Himalayan Wooden Cabin
This is a small wooden cabin hidden deep in a city jungle in Taiwan, charge free for a stay for self-help travellers around the world.
If your are interested in Tibet, the Silk Road, Himalayas, India, Nepal, Mainland China and any other place around the world, you are welcome to this Himalayan Wooden Cabin for the newest, and the most accurate information in the world. If you love the mountains and waters in Formosa, you are also welcome to this Himalayan Wooden Cabin for a cup of tea, free talk, sharing experience and exchanging mutual feelings and gains.
吳養春神秘的心想事成 04-22207472
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wu200520心靈故鄉 心靈角落 夢想花園 夢想故事
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/wu200620/ 喜瑪拉雅山心靈故鄉