2009-04-11 19:56:08wt14b


兩位來自瑞士略懂中文的遊客拿了張紙給我看,上面寫著 「岸看圍」三個字,我有看沒有懂,回問他們要幹嘛?小姐說是她的中文名字要刻印章用的。我跟她解釋說那不像中文名字,她的原名是 Ann Catherine Weber,我建議「韋安凱」,好說歹說將近半小時,她還是堅持不需要 peacefultriumph,喜歡 look at the coast and play chess。正好小女兒湊過來看到「岸看圍」要當名字用,立刻大笑三聲,瑞士小姐就屈服了。

Sylvia 2009-07-04 10:42:38

Hi, Belinda. It`s great to know that you visit this blog. I don`t know the group of people you refer to. But I have a feeling that I`ll soon. It`s a small town. As for stories, I`m afraid you`ll have to wait because it`s summer now. We`re getting quite busy at our B&B.

Belinda Griffiths 2009-06-23 08:32:43

Hi, Sylvia: There was a TV program on Penghu last night (Dishnetwork Chinese Programming) and I immediately thought of you. I didn`t catch the whole show, but there was this group of young, highly-educated people returning to live in Penghu and planting palm trees on the island. Do you happen to know them? Is your place close to those palm trees? :) -Belinda

P.S. I enjoyed your little stories/jokes very much. Write more soon.