2014-12-11 13:53:09Wow Powerleveling12

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One-man a capella Tetris is a winner
(Credit:Alexey Pajitnov)The Tetris theme, it can't be denied, is one of the best video game musical tracks of all time. It was nicked unashamedly from a Russian wow power leveling 90-100 folk tune called "Korobeiniki," and it gets stuck in your head like an icepick. Of course, we've heard a million variations. But YouTube user Smooth McGroove -- a former music teacher who quit to make a capella covers of video wow power leveling 1-100 game music full time -- has taken it on and made possibly the best thing September will have to offer. Related storiesMagnificent Street Fighter a cappella wins the gameBest video game songs of all time As he does with all of his videos, Smooth McGroove has laid down eight vocal tracks (with some whistling) to create a wonderfully complex rendition of "Korobeiniki." And now we're going to have it stuck in our heads all week. Thank you very much, Smooth McGroove, even if isn't your real name. (It isn't. His real name is Max Gleason. Just sayin'.) Anyhow, if you like what you hear, go have a listen to a few more of his tracks on YouTube, and check out his Bandcamp page, where you can also buy his music.(Source: Crave Australia)
One-man a capella Tetris is a winner
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Wow Power Leveling 90-100:   http://www.plsgamemall.com/wow-world-of-warcraft-gold-us-powerleveling.html