2014-11-19 13:11:52Wow Power Leveling123

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Twitter surrenders anti-Semitic tweet info to French authorities
(Credit:James Martin/CNET)Twitter has finally released data on anti-Semitic tweets to French authorities.The company said in a statement obtained by the AFP on Friday that it has complied with a French government request to hand over tweets related to a rash of anti-Semitism on the site.Last October, several anti-Semitic tweets and hashtags appeared on Twitter, including the objectionable "#UnBonJuif est un juif mort," translated as "A good Jew is a dead Jew." Twitter took the offending tweets off its site after the Union of Jewish French Students (UEJF) and other anti-racism groups requested takedowns.Related storiesSyrian Electronic Army hijacks Thomson Reuters' Twitter feedTwitter UK expands access to abuse-reporting functionTwitter to simplify the reporting of abusive tweets, after outcry over rape threatsDon't worry, get Happier? This social network aims for the sunny sideFortune 500 companies give social media a thumbs-upBut the case wasn't over there. The UEJF in January won a court ruling compelling Twitter to hand wow gold eu over the names of those who had posted the anti-Semitic remarks. Two months later, the UEJF sued Twitter for $50 million, alleging that the company did not comply with the court's request. Last month, an appeals court ruled Twitter must provide the groups and authorities with the names of those who posted the offending tweets.For its part, Twitter said that it was "disappointed" that it was being requested to turn the data over, and was considering filing another appeal. Today, however, Twitter changed its tune, saying that it wow power leveling 1-100 has provided data to authorities that would enable "the identification of some authors."Twitter said in a statement that the decision to hand over the data will "put an end to the dispute," adding that it will work with the UEJF to "fight racism and anti-Semitism."
Twitter surrenders anti-Semitic tweet info to French authorities
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