2014-09-26 10:10:26Wow Power Leveling123

Wow Power Leveling Wod demonstrating the proper way to share

Sony teases Microsoft with used-game instructional video
The small print says this applies only to disc-based games.(Credit:Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET)We are finally reveling in an influx of details on the fresh rival gaming systems of Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One. While the two consoles share a physical resemblance, they diverge in a lot of ways. One major difference involves the handling Wow Power Leveling Wod of used games. Sony has said there will be no restriction on the PS4 used-game market, while Microsoft is placing restrictions on selling and sharing games.Microsoft's new policies have given Sony an opening Wow Power Leveling 90-100 to promote the PS4 as a friendlier alternative to the Xbox One. That has resulted in a tongue-in-cheek video released on the official PlayStation YouTube channel, titled "Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video." Related storiesSony: 'We won't impose any restrictions on PS4 used games'Why Xbox One's used games policy doesn't need to be the end of gaming as we know itThe instructional video takes all of 22 seconds to watch. It features a couple of Sony guys standing in a studio, demonstrating the proper way to share a PS4 game with a friend: by handing it to him. This simple video has already racked up more than 2 million views.Gamers have long loved the used-game market, especially in an era when new games can easily cost $60 a pop. It's no surprise that Microsoft's changes have raised a considerable amount of ire and commentary. It may not be the end of the used-game market as we know it, but times are certainly changing. At least we can have a good laugh about it.
Sony teases Microsoft with used-game instructional video
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