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William Hague: Nato's Afghan push not system change
Twenty September 2012Last kept up to date at 15:19 GMT Share these pages Delicious Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Email Print William Hague: Nato's Afghan progress not tactic change William Hague told MPs it had become usual for navy leaders, instead of politicians, to help make decisions Continue checking the main scenario Taliban Conflict Walking in line forwards Taliban boxers switch side panels What lies ahead? Nato's exit plan Watch Foreign Secretary William Hague provides insisted Nato's final choice to reduce joint patrols with the help of Afghan forces can have a "minimal" have an effect on UK technique. Two British members of the military were murdered at the day, in one of one's series of strikes by "rogue" Afghan military. On Monday the government said many of these actions wouldn't normally "derail" operations, leading to questions throughout when it had become told with regards to Nato's decision. But Mister Hague told MPs furthermore there had not "been all change in strategy on this". A sixth of British soldiers murdered in the country this present year have been individuals not associated with insurgents, but in Afghan soldiers or even police. This kind of incidents, termed "green-on-blue" attacks, have raised concern throughout safety. Sergeant Gareth Thursby and Private Thomas Wroe, each of 3rd Battalion, Any Yorkshire Regiment, was shot accurate Saturday by just a rogue Afghan enthusiast who aroused them subsequent to faking accident. 'Quite clear' In the Commons on Monday, Defense Secretary Philip Hammond says: "We cannot and won't allow the solution to be derailed... the pain felt will be the more organic when the event undermines the confidence that our armed forces have constructed in Afghanistan." Nato possesses since introduced that shared operations carried out by its own World wide Security Help Force (ISAF) along with Afghan troops can be restricted. They are going to only persistently happen on battalion level or above, with smaller patrols being finalized off on a case-by-case basis. But all the BBC has discovered that the policy change became "effective" on the subject of Sunday. World affairs editor Bob Simpson said they had "signs of panic" on the part of the United States, which have led to Nato altering its psyche before there were time to enlighten the UK or perhaps Afghan governments. He further that he have overheard Mr Hammond, over a recent stop by to Afghanistan, saying that "the whole entire question regarding insider deaths was violent the strategy involving ISAF". Following an immediate need question as a result of Conservative Megapixel John Baron, Mr Hammond delivered the second statement on the Commons on The following thursday, saying ISAF obtained taken an important "prudent but short-lived measure" regarding troops' security He added: "The security of your deployed power in Afghanistan, or maybe anywhere in the world, stays a defence priority. The protection of our solution personnel certainly one that all within government together with the military series of command line take particularly seriously.In . In lively Commons scenes, Labour Mega pixel Paul Flynn, an important prominent foe of the conflict, was revoked for refusing to take away accusations how the coalition had humiliated about the nation's Afghanistan policy. Mr Hammond dismissed the actual remarks just as "scandalous". 'Biggest ally' Mr Hague played down the significance for Nato's decision while questioned through Commons Foreign Extramarital affairs Select Committee, saying: "There was not any improvements on strategy on that." They added: "The conclusions are intended for military politicians, properly just for commanders, so it's totally for them to make these possibilities and not to remain second thought by a defence or overseas minister.Inch But Labour Member of parliment MacShane, who is strenuous that British forces give Afghanistan by The yuletide season wow power leveling, said: "In heart and soul the Men and women are saying: 'It's above. It's drawdown efforts and pretty soon we could be over like we've got out of Vietnam, enjoy we got out from other colonial battles.' "Yesterday I was able to ask a urgent issue of Mr Hammond. He located the Commons in relation to these fatalities and he wouldn't mention it at all. "Either he or she knew concerning this and had been hiding that, which I don't believe is the case, or frankly typically the Americans aren't even troubling to tell his / her biggest number one ally." One from the main reasons for members of the military being in Afghanistan will be the training involved with Afghan security power to handle the case once Country forces take in 2014. Conservative Member of parliment Bob Stewart reinforced calls in order to "get our military out as soon as possible" but integrated: "It's not easy to simply pull up stumps.Inches
William Hague: Nato's Afghan push not methodology change