2006-09-17 18:05:30王大可

GSCM+ so called "siu bak farewell"+一朝喪..唉~~

16Sep function Part I
-----GSCM Gathering------
originally planned to BBQ, at last we went to hot pot due to unstable weather....I want BBQ ~~~ long time no BBQ la.....I’m on fire ...hahaha
This time is the largest gathering we’ve ever had, we got 17 GSCMers !!!!!!! so great to see u all ~~~ actually we did have 18 but Ms Lam ”fly aeroplane ” .....indeed she really flies, flies to Shanghai to meet her man~~ai...17ppl are defeated by a fat man la....
It’s a great time to have 17ppl to seat around a 12-seat table !!! But I can’t understand why we have so many ppl, I just call who will out as usual, how come 17ppl ~~~
So shit that I take the camera but forget to take a grand photo.......Luckily,or I should not say so, the camera is used to take some more interested photos in part II...heehee.

part II
Keith organised a farewell party for Siu bak’s leaving~~He will be back to his country very soon. we ’ll miss him~~though he left us before to UK for years time, actually we won’t miss u much , hahaha...Though dunno the story why Vincent always said” Charles, take care” . But from my bottom of my heart , it’s true, take care Charles! Do come back if political unstable, take the earliest possible flight and back to HK at once !!

As usual, man plays crazily and many fell down...but I dun expact one will fell, it’s U ~~~ you should be a good man in my mind , i think many of us do think so...but really a little bit disappointed. maybe it’s MAN...
Coz Carol and I live in the same estate, then I can have a seat in Siu Chun’s car...haha , also Ah Hong~~ the last seat ~~originally plan to take Ivy and Anita (exceed the max. no of passengers,haha).finally we choose to take Ah Keith. Dai Lo~~we must leave la~~actually should be ”U must leave la”~~~u r die....both mentally and physically.....it’s so disappointed to see u like this....it’s really disappointed....u were not in sane I believe. Siu Chun asked Dai Lo to leave and Dai Lo really walked out of the room but then back to ”his” seat again...ai..after several times we gave up la...then sth serious happen !!!!
A man suddenly hold Carol wrist !!! Carol jumped and Lion and Siu Chun scolded at the drunk man...not really drunk...hate this kind of middle aged man..bull shit !!!!
Then we went, Ah Hong dunno how he got Dai Lo out ofthe room wor..haha...but as long as we not actually leave, Dai Lo kept in and out of the room. It’s Ah Hong turn to take Dai Lo out of the room as Siu Chun tried many times and have to protect Carol. Finally it ’s non-SACer take Dai Lo out and to convenience store OK to buy water and then we take Dai Lo to go and Vincent kept the non-SACer at OK and of coz I dunno what Vincent talked to her la and won’t ask I think...Vincent knows what to talk to the non-SACer. we walked and walked to take the car...it’s really a far way to go and Dai Lo is so heavy....I dunno how heavy he is but Ah Hong knows..haha...AH hong took care Dai Lo the whole trip....
Dai Lo really got drunk la...I have not seen him like this...He should be always smart as in my memory...
The funny thing is everytime Siu Chun starts the car, Dai Lo vomitted...then we parked the car aside just opposite PolyU. Dai Lo not vomit la...coz the car stopped..haha..we gave water to Dai Lo and Siu Chun told DaiLo be careful...at the same time....sth into Siu Chun ear already......hahahhahaha...shit man...Dai Lo u r not drunk to certain extent......
Finally we arrived at the estate Dai Lo living...but he lean on the ground and keep vommmiting..though nth came out. he slept on the ground and we took many photos!!!! coz he always ”look” under the car...that’s why I could take the photos attached...hahaha....at that time I think of 千年道行一朝喪.....大佬,你冇晒形象喇~~~
After taking a break, coz Ah Hong was out of energy la...then Hong and Siu Chun took Dai Lo to his flat and I was responsible to open the door~~he has a lot of keyssssss...I was so smart just trying 3 keys then can open the gate and door~~haha...MISSION SUCCESS~~~
then we share the experience of taking care Dai Lo and said we must share the photos we took and update Xanga...I dun have Xanga (actually I have an acct but never update...just open an account..haha) but still got an online diary here ~

Part I : Silver/Hays/Kath/Joey/Wai/bobo/Taihong/ Jody/Phibe/ Ah Chun/German/ManDick/Fat Wai/Raymond/KK/Michael/Tik

Part II: Jasmine/Ah Keith/ Hong/ Siu Chun/ Carol/Vincent/Anita/ Lion/ Alex/ Keith/Jody/Ivy/Sandra/Annie/Eric/ Fuk/ Bao/Sing/Stella/Keith’s fds/ and of coz Siu Bak