2013-10-29 17:17:28鳳凰臺

8 years old girl need to wear light-colored underwear

8 years old girl need to wear light-colored underwear-釣蝦場千金

mothers give their children the attention with a lot of clothing options: styles, fabrics, designs, colors must be careful to consider something. But for a small, you know what you should pick? Capital Medical University, Beijing Hospital pediatric gynecology chief physician Liu Huili pointed out, it is best to wear underwear, because it is the mother observe whether there is or girls suffer the most convenient way.


normal circumstances, before the girl's reproductive system is in sleep mode, there will be no discharge occurs.


If the mother saw the baby underwear secretions, also found her height growth accelerated,http://werklvi.com/, we must be careful, because this is the performance of precocious puberty, if not treated, will appear gradually pubic hair, armpit hair and bleeding, ultimately affect the future of the baby's height and mental development. And the choice of underwear, just to help parents observe,8 years old girl need to wear light-colored underwear, whether underwear appeared on the yellow scab or dry pieces, were indicative of infection or there is the possibility of premature development, because the remains of urine is often just a uniform yellow; others such as vaginal foreign body such as vaginal diseases, but also relatively easy to observe underwear secretions through timely discovery.


Liu Huili said,http://werklvi.com/, now in the clinic, the children appear more precocious puberty, suggests that parents from several points for prevention.


1. attention to the intake of high protein food not too much, every meal with meat, do not order meat as food.


2. eat Western fast food. Studies have shown that weekly patronize foreign fast food two or more times, and often eat fried puffed food for children, the possibility of precocious puberty is 2.5 times the normal children. So try to limit your baby to eat Western fast food, with fresh instead of fried food.


3. supplements will lead to precocious child, so do not blindly give children eat royal jelly, bee pollen and other "tonic", enhancing mental health care should be careful. In fact, most children do not need basic tonic, for tonic, but also carried out under the guidance of doctors.


4. mothers should be properly stored drugs, breast products, etc., so that the children swallowed or in contact, do not give the child to the adult goods or products.


5. baby to eat in-season vegetables and fruits, and foods containing additives.


6. parents said their children to avoid when intimacy, but also prohibits sex-related children watch television camera and books. (Su Chunping) ");

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