2013-10-29 17:16:10離亭

Xingjia Dong Heart to be like egg white as crystal clear .

Xingjia Dong Heart to be like egg white as crystal clear .-泫雅



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:" mind should be like crystal clear,http://srtlilv.com/. "  

2013-08-03 02:38 Author: Wang Yue contingent Source: Global People Editor: Field


I want to share








in Xingjia Dong fan base, there is a way to describe him: "This man, a bit like opera, I do not know who he is, I really do not know; Once you know, to understand, and it would have to be obsessed on . "


Indeed, Xingjia Dong the name is hidden in many of his later works and roles,http://srtlilv.com/, perhaps because he does not like low-key publicity, or maybe those deeply rooted role itself: the "shock troops" in the vice squad Wu sixty-one " My head of my regiment, "where the officer Yu Xiaoqing," Hurricane detachment "commander Bridge Long Biao," zero blockhouse "civilian heroes Jia Wenqing, there are a number of TV hit TV series" mine warfare "and a hero of mine.


together filming Actor Xingjia Dong: "Shaping a tough guy so much personality was strong, in fact, he is a generous gentle, and even some stiff man." "He loves children, to tell the truth, go home should continue to meditate, then look no longer write long blog, continue to give your reasoning. "" This man also love to write poetry, quite a mood. "


He gave reporters the first impression is the frank and casual. And Xingjia Dong contacted, he was filming in Heihe, slightly accented voice, Shanxi, came over the phone: "You call Intuit is time to play, and I just finished a play on,Xingjia Dong Heart to be like egg white as crystal clear ., just idle moment , no matter how long it could talk, we first chatted. "


actor can not stop the exploration of human nature and life


"lightning war" in the Raymond trained soldier, said: "Life and Death minefield that is, you have to unite all efforts at your fingertips. pair of feet on the ground, the heart to fly in the sky like an eagle overlooking learn Whether you are flying around the bullet, or a splash of arm stump, you have to keep quiet. extremely quiet, put themselves in a minefield outside to drain in front of mine. "
