2013-10-18 23:08:36 馬拉拉

So Yesterday~

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北部.東北部降雨猛 鄭明典:異常聖誕結歌曲、歌詞、吉他譜聖誕節的由來遼寧下雪交通大亂 低溫將破零下25度北部轉溼冷 9日冷氣團報到
So Yesterday~
So Yesterday~Hilary Duff(希拉蕊朵芙)
[so yesterday] x4 You can change your life (If you wanna) You can change your clothes (If you wanna) If you change your mind Well that%26#39;s the way it goes But I%26#39;m gonna keep your jeans And your old black hat [Cuz I wanna] They look good on me, you%26#39;re never gonna get them back At least not today, not today, not today, cuz... If it%26#39;s over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday I%26#39;m just a bird that%26#39;s already flown away Laugh it off, let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday Haven%26#39;t you heard that I%26#39;m gonna be okay? [okay] You can say you%26#39;re bored (If you wanna) You can act real tough (If you wanna) You can say you%26#39;re torn But I%26#39;ve heard enough Thank you, you made my mind up for me When you started to ignore me You won%26#39;t see a single tear It isn%26#39;t gonna happen here At least not today, not today, not today, cuz... If it%26#39;s over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday I%26#39;m just a bird that%26#39;s already flown away Laugh it off, let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday Haven%26#39;t you heard that I%26#39;m gonna be okay? If you%26#39;re over me I%26#39;m already over you If it%26#39;s all been done What is left to do? How can I hang up if the line is dead? If you wanna walk I%26#39;m a step ahead If you%26#39;re moving on I%26#39;m already gone If the light is off Then it isn%26#39;t on At least not today, not today, not today, cuz... If it%26#39;s over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday I%26#39;m just a bird that%26#39;s already flown away Laugh it off, let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday Haven%26#39;t you heard that you%26#39;re...so yesterday (so yesterday) If it%26#39;s over let it go and Come tomorrow it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday I%26#39;m just a bird that%26#39;s already flown away Laugh it off, let it go and When you wake up it will seem So yesterday, so yesterday
Haven%26#39;t you heard that I%26#39;m gonna be okay?

p.s 我超愛希拉蕊ㄉ~他超ㄎ愛...超水...
而這首ㄍ真ㄉ很好聽 (品質保證?!%26gt;0%26lt;) 大家絕對會喜歡ㄉ拉~!!(發誓發誓發誓)
她ㄉ電影有: 莉琪ㄉ異想世界~(這部應該比較多人看過) 灰姑娘ㄉ玻璃手機~
小鬼特務~ 尋找阿娜達~(最新ㄉ) ...............很多