2006-04-09 10:08:32陽光羽翼
連署反對2008年 聯合國 廢止繁(正)體中文
連署反對2008年 聯合國 廢止繁(正)體中文
March 24, 2006
The Chinese language has many dialects spoken yet Mandarin has always been the official language.
=> 中國語言中有很多方言,但漢、國語(北京話、普通話)始終是官方語言。
In Mandarin, there are two present types of writings: Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters.
=> 漢、國語(北京話、普通話)共有兩種字體,一是繁(正)體、另一是簡體。
Traditional Chinese has been the official form of writing for thousands of years. And from it, the Simplified form was born. In recent decades, China’s effort in trying to make Chinese easier for both her youth and foreigners resulted in this push of Simplified Chinese. However, at the same time, Traditional Chinese is still studied and widely recognized.
=> 繁體這種官方文字已經用了幾千年了。但這幾十年來,中國催促簡體中文的產生,使之用於現在年輕的一代及外國人學習中文上。但無論如何,繁體中文同時仍然被廣泛使用及學習。
The purpose of Simplified Chinese was meant for an easier reading (with less characters) and less pen-strokes in writing characters. It is the attempt of making Chinese more phonetic rather than having many words pronounced the same.
(小弟說明: 這是文革時期改的,主要是破除舊典,立新典...但是字形一變,就失去造字意義)
The two forms of Chinese have always co-existed peacefully for many years. The importance of Traditional Chinese lies in the fact that each character represents a very specific meaning. This is of extreme importance because it allows the reader to understand a written word even without the word being in context.
Simplified Chinese, although convenient, fails to incorporate meaning into its characters. Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning. The major downfall of Simplified Chinese is that it lacks meaning. Currently, historical texts are in Traditional Chinese, (simply because one can read and understand based on the author’s choice of words) however, if Traditional Chinese is to be replaced by Simplified Chinese, one would not be able to understand these texts/writings because words have lost their meanings, they simply represent a way of pronouncing the texts. As time progresses, this would result in the lost of history and culture.
=>雖然簡體中文寫起來方便,但是它卻無發顯示文字真正的意義。用一個簡單的字來(簡體)取代不同字確有同一發音(繁體),可是確失去的本身的字義(造字的本意)。簡體中文的最大敗筆也是因為失去造字的本意。目前,歷史上使用(有歷史意義的是繁(正) 體,(簡體能被讀和瞭解只不過是因為作者選擇哪個字)。一但繁體被簡體取代,人們就無法瞭解文章或字體,因為它已經失去了文字的意義,這也會導致文化及歷史的消失。
UN’s action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next “Latin”. (the dead language) Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories lost forever.
聯合國採取了"統一"中國文字的方式並" 只接受簡體中文",這會對中國的與言,文化,歷史造成嚴重破壞。在國際上,繁體中文將會被遺忘及忽視。這會使得繁體中文變得像過去拉丁文一樣,成為死的文字。一但失去語文,文化及歷史也會消失殆盡。
Although Simplified Chinese is an easier way to learn Chinese, but it should not be the only form of Chinese written language. It should be a convenience, not a absolute. By allowing it to become the “official” writing, the Chinese language would be in regression.
=> 即使簡體中文較容易學(見鬼了),但是它不應該是唯一的中文文字。它也許方便,但不是絕對。如果容許簡體中文變成"官方"的文字,那就是讓中國語文退化。
We, the undersigned, are appalled by the abolishment of Traditional Chinese in UN documents. This is an act of annihilation of the culture and history of the Chinese people.
Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese are of extreme significance and should be recognized equally on the international level and by UN.
Sign the petition
The "Say NO to United Nations’ abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008" Petition to "United Ntions Secretary-General : Kofi Annan" was written by "Jennifer Ping". The petition is hosted free of charge at www.gopetition.com. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by gopetition.com pty ltd.
=> 請簽下這請願連署
對於聯合國秘書長-安南 將於2008年廢止繁體中文使用。
這連署是由 Jennifer Ping 發起於 http://www.gopetition.com
http://www.gopetition.com/sign.p ... =237&petid=8314
~翻譯人, withsun - 陽光羽翼 2006.04.09
March 24, 2006
The Chinese language has many dialects spoken yet Mandarin has always been the official language.
=> 中國語言中有很多方言,但漢、國語(北京話、普通話)始終是官方語言。
In Mandarin, there are two present types of writings: Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters.
=> 漢、國語(北京話、普通話)共有兩種字體,一是繁(正)體、另一是簡體。
Traditional Chinese has been the official form of writing for thousands of years. And from it, the Simplified form was born. In recent decades, China’s effort in trying to make Chinese easier for both her youth and foreigners resulted in this push of Simplified Chinese. However, at the same time, Traditional Chinese is still studied and widely recognized.
=> 繁體這種官方文字已經用了幾千年了。但這幾十年來,中國催促簡體中文的產生,使之用於現在年輕的一代及外國人學習中文上。但無論如何,繁體中文同時仍然被廣泛使用及學習。
The purpose of Simplified Chinese was meant for an easier reading (with less characters) and less pen-strokes in writing characters. It is the attempt of making Chinese more phonetic rather than having many words pronounced the same.
(小弟說明: 這是文革時期改的,主要是破除舊典,立新典...但是字形一變,就失去造字意義)
The two forms of Chinese have always co-existed peacefully for many years. The importance of Traditional Chinese lies in the fact that each character represents a very specific meaning. This is of extreme importance because it allows the reader to understand a written word even without the word being in context.
Simplified Chinese, although convenient, fails to incorporate meaning into its characters. Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning. The major downfall of Simplified Chinese is that it lacks meaning. Currently, historical texts are in Traditional Chinese, (simply because one can read and understand based on the author’s choice of words) however, if Traditional Chinese is to be replaced by Simplified Chinese, one would not be able to understand these texts/writings because words have lost their meanings, they simply represent a way of pronouncing the texts. As time progresses, this would result in the lost of history and culture.
=>雖然簡體中文寫起來方便,但是它卻無發顯示文字真正的意義。用一個簡單的字來(簡體)取代不同字確有同一發音(繁體),可是確失去的本身的字義(造字的本意)。簡體中文的最大敗筆也是因為失去造字的本意。目前,歷史上使用(有歷史意義的是繁(正) 體,(簡體能被讀和瞭解只不過是因為作者選擇哪個字)。一但繁體被簡體取代,人們就無法瞭解文章或字體,因為它已經失去了文字的意義,這也會導致文化及歷史的消失。
UN’s action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next “Latin”. (the dead language) Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories lost forever.
聯合國採取了"統一"中國文字的方式並" 只接受簡體中文",這會對中國的與言,文化,歷史造成嚴重破壞。在國際上,繁體中文將會被遺忘及忽視。這會使得繁體中文變得像過去拉丁文一樣,成為死的文字。一但失去語文,文化及歷史也會消失殆盡。
Although Simplified Chinese is an easier way to learn Chinese, but it should not be the only form of Chinese written language. It should be a convenience, not a absolute. By allowing it to become the “official” writing, the Chinese language would be in regression.
=> 即使簡體中文較容易學(見鬼了),但是它不應該是唯一的中文文字。它也許方便,但不是絕對。如果容許簡體中文變成"官方"的文字,那就是讓中國語文退化。
We, the undersigned, are appalled by the abolishment of Traditional Chinese in UN documents. This is an act of annihilation of the culture and history of the Chinese people.
Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese are of extreme significance and should be recognized equally on the international level and by UN.
Sign the petition
The "Say NO to United Nations’ abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008" Petition to "United Ntions Secretary-General : Kofi Annan" was written by "Jennifer Ping". The petition is hosted free of charge at www.gopetition.com. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by gopetition.com pty ltd.
=> 請簽下這請願連署
對於聯合國秘書長-安南 將於2008年廢止繁體中文使用。
這連署是由 Jennifer Ping 發起於 http://www.gopetition.com
http://www.gopetition.com/sign.p ... =237&petid=8314
~翻譯人, withsun - 陽光羽翼 2006.04.09