2024-04-27 20:53:39wistles
2.There is none like you
Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契
常綠團契是一個國際雙語基督徒團契,每週六, 晚上6~8點在懷恩堂401教室聚會。
Evergreen Fellowship is an international bilingual Christian fellowship. We meet every Saturday at 6 to 8 P.M., in Rm401, Grace Batist Church.
每月的第三個週六晚上6 ~ 8 點, 也可以用google meet 加入我們。
Also, welcome meet us on google meet, 6 to 8pm, every the 3rd Saturday.
4/6清明連假,與家人相聚,休會一次; 4/13讀書會+小組分享Small Group & Sharing; 4/20 江回得牧師分享Pastor David Kong Sharing+慶生會(With Google meet & Birthday Celebration) ,4/27 讀書會+小組分享Small Group & Sharing.
Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂(台大對面/台北市新生南路三段90號)
地址:台北市大安區新生南路三段90 號02-2362-5321
我的新聞台 Drama and Music and Arts