2020-04-28 18:57:46wistles
GBC: Apr.25 & 26 & May 2 & 3 (Mandarin &English Service)
Currently till May 31, all church meetings and activities in GBC will be cancelled or held online. The measures that the church will apply after April 23 will be announced at a future date.
即日起至 5/31止,本堂暫停所有實體聚會及活動,改為網路進行。5/7 之後的措施另行公告。
中文18:00 p.m.(4/25, 5/2); 8:30 a.m.(4/26,5/3)
20200425-26 一個新時代的開始
20200502-03 家庭小教會,教會大家庭
Live-stream: https://www.gbc.org.tw/index.php/livestream/
Sunday English Services (Apr. 26, May 3):
20200426 Selfless Love as a Mark of the True Christian
Live-stream: https://www.gbc.org.tw/en/index.php/livestream/
Evergreen Fellowship 常綠團契(每週六18:00~20:00, 懷恩堂401教室)
Grace Baptist Church懷恩堂(台大對面/台北市新生南路三段90號)