2013-09-28 17:03:16wistles
10/25-27 拉拉山秋季退修會
| 2013 常綠雙語團契 Evergreen Fellowship | ||
Date | Speaker講員 (6:00~8:00PM) | 聚會主題及內容 (Rm401) | 聚會形式 |
10/5 | Sister Linda Lin & Kate Yu | 新疆風情話 About Xinjiang | Testimony Sharing |
10/12 | Minister Wang 王倩倩傳道 (國際晨曦會) | How a Mother who Help People to Get off Addiction 上癮的真相 | Testimony Sharing |
10/19 | 江回得牧師 Pastor David Kong | People of the New Testament新約人物 | Topic Sharing |
10/25-27 | 白承恩牧師 Pastor Nick Brideson | Transformation 心意更新 | Fall Retreat 拉拉山秋季退會 |
常綠團契Evergreen Fellowship's Facebook
懷恩堂-台北市新生南路三段90號 電話:(02)2362-5321