2004-10-24 23:58:40wistles
啟發課程Alpha Course
介紹您一個只要12週,就可以讓您改頭換面的啟發課程. 內容包括有趣的人們.可口的晚餐.豁然開朗的疑問解答.而且還是中英雙語的課程. 時間是2004,11/10~2005,元/26. 每週三.晚上7:30到 9:30. 懷恩堂.401教室.
It is a 12-life-change week course; with food, fun, great talks and friendly small groups; bilingual English/Chinese, for who is curious about Christianity, every Wednesday evenings Nov. 10th to Jan. 26th, 7:30 to 9:30PM, Room 401, GBC.
It is a 12-life-change week course; with food, fun, great talks and friendly small groups; bilingual English/Chinese, for who is curious about Christianity, every Wednesday evenings Nov. 10th to Jan. 26th, 7:30 to 9:30PM, Room 401, GBC.