2019-05-04 02:45:52wisgc4c2uwie

【限量優惠商品】BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size including i-Size Base 哪裡買網路購物


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BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size including i-Size Base 設計式樣: Sea Green Mélange · 2019

Unlike its brother, the BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size child car seat, the BeSafe iZi Modular RF i-Size can be used rear-facing only. The rear-facing child car seat complies with the high safety criteria of the R129 standard and performed extremely well in the toughest crash test in the world, the Swedish Plus Test.

Please note: You can only use the BeSafe child car seat iZi Modular RF i-Size with the BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size base included in this set!

Group/ size:

  • Group 0+ / 1

  • For children with a size of 61 to 105 cm

  • From about 6 months up to about 4 years

Conforms to standard:

  • UN R129 (i-Size)

The iZi Modular RF i-Size is part of the innovative modular system for child car seats by the manufacturer BeSafe. This 3-in-1 concept consists of an infant car seat and the successor car seat which both use the same base.

With only one hand, you can easily click the BeSafe rear-facing car seat onto the iZi Modular i-Size base. The support foot with visual and acoustic indicator contributes to the correct installation of the base. The special extension mechanism of the base creates ample legroom for your little passenger even when driving in a rear-facing mode. Thanks to its low weight, transferring the car seat from one car into another is particularly easy.

The Isofix installation of this child safety seat system ensures maximum safety. The SIP+ (Side Impact Protection) which is to be attached to the door side of the child car seat, absorbs the energy that occurs in the event of a side impact and guides it away from your child.

A 2-piece seat reducer as well as the headrest that can be adjusted in 10 different levels provide your little one with perfect comfort and the best protection in every stage of their growth. Thanks to the extremely good resting position, your child is supplied with perfect seating comfort - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of a little nap in between times. Your child is fastened properly by using the padded 5-point harness. Thanks to the magnetic belt assistant, your child can be put comfortably in the seat without the straps getting in the way.

Details iZi Modular RF i-Size:

  • Rear-facing child car seat for children with a body height of 61 to 105 cm

  • Installation via Isofix base

  • Excellent resting position

  • Ample legroom for older children

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 10 levels

  • 2 removable seat reducers

  • Side Impact Protection SIP+ (Side Impact Protection)

  • 5-point harness with magnetic belt assistant

  • Weight: 9.7 kg

Details iZi Modular i-Size Base:

  • Long service life, since suitable for being used in two consecutive child car seat groups

  • Suitable for BeSafe infant car seat iZi Go Modular i-Size (Group 0/0+, 40 to 75cm)

  • Suitable for BeSafe child car seat iZi Modular (Group 0 + / 1, 61 to 105 cm)

  • Adjustable rollover bar which allows both compact installation and more legroom for your child

  • Isofix Base

  • 省錢達人省錢王
  • Extremely simple installation with one hand

  • Safe and good

  • Installation with Isofix




BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size including i-Size Base





NBA/熱火第5人 波許1號球衣將高掛美國航空球場

熱火今(5)天宣布將在3月27日對戰魔術的比賽時,退休傳奇球星Chris Bosh的1號球衣,Bosh 13年的NBA生涯,連續11年入選全明星賽、2次總冠軍,不過因為身體健康問題不得不在32歲那年退役。

熱火總裁Pat Riley表示,「我很自豪地宣布, Bosh的1號球衣將在美國航空球場退役,感謝球員時期的他在球場上的貢獻,以及對邁阿密社區貢獻的認可。他的名字和球衣將永遠高掛在熱火主場上空。」


Chris和「詹皇」LeBron James都是2003屆新秀,並在第1輪第4順位被暴龍選中,當年更入選新秀第一陣容,2010年加盟熱火,和James、Dwyane Wade組成三巨頭,並在2012、2013年完成二連霸,可惜2014-15賽季因肺血栓問題缺席後半段賽程,隔年再因血栓問題不得不退休。

Chris生涯繳出場均19.2分8.5籃板的成績,未來將很可能入選名人堂。之後他的熱火球衣將會和「籃球之神」Michael Jordan、「俠客」Shaquille O'Neal、Timothy Hardaway、Alonzo Mourning一同高掛在球場。

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西班牙研究團隊使用WHO從2008年到2014年的死亡率數據進行研究,儘管女性整體癌症死亡率穩定下降,獨有「肺癌」死亡率至2030年預計將上升43%,高收入國家較中等收入國家的情況更加明顯。而女性聞之色變的乳癌死亡率則趨緩,未來10年僅爬升10%。研究結果公布在癌症研究期刊(Journal of Cancer Research)。

根據WHO資料顯示,肺癌是全球死亡率最高的癌症,在2015年就造成了169萬人死亡,5年的生存率僅為15%。較為特別的是,雖然男性肺癌致死人數遠高於女性,但女性因肺癌死亡的人數竟超過位居第二的乳癌。美國肺臟協會(American Lung Association)表示,美國過去39年的肺癌新例,男性個案下降32%、女性則上升了94%。

肺癌與大量吸菸有關。一項全球青少年吸菸行為調查(Global Youth Tobacco Survey)數據顯示,由於社會風氣自由,針對女性行銷的菸草種類變多,因此預測女性首次吸菸率將會上升。


BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size including i-Size Base

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