2009-02-16 16:12:28桃子

The Secret 每日自我激勵(970116)

今天是我新生命的開始 Today is the beginning of my life
一切都重新開始 I am starting cover today
所有的美好將在今天到來 All good thing coming to me today
對活著表達感激 I am careful to be a live
我處處看到了美 I see beauty al around me
生活有目標有熱情 I live with passion and purpose
每天都歡笑、消遙 I take time to laugh and play everyday
清醒時充滿精力和活力 I am awake energized and alive
專注生命的美好 I focus on all the good things in life
並對此深深感激 And give thanks for them
與萬物合一、心靈平靜 I am at peace and one with everything
感受到愛、喜悅、和豐足I feel the love , the joy , the abundance
自由自在的做自己 I am free to be myself
我乃偉大生命的肉身化現 I am magnificence in human form
我是完美的生命 I am the perfection of life
我很感恩我能夠成為 I am grateful to be….
我自己 Me
今天就是生命中最美好的一天 Today is the best day of my life