2018-05-22 11:32:27設計盒子DESIGN BOX

生活再製計畫 Relife project

向上再製建築師事務所  UP.relife Architects
林幼雯 Yu-Wen Lin


Space is the container of our living. Every container will fill up different plan. We try to extend experiencer's future life behavior, to customize more vivid live making plan.




This case is located at the west district of ChiaYi city, which is the new house in the old town that preserve  local atmosphere and stylish layout.


To create the living level of experiencer, the design adjust the percentage of living room and kitchen, for showing stylish and opened layout to achieve experiencers expect.


In the beginning, we use three dimension technique on the television wall in the living room, and follow the different ratio cutting method of marble to enhance the visual sense, also, to extend the pattern of marble to kitchen for space and living habits.

相對於大理石電視牆面的沙發背牆,設置了完整的木紋造型收納櫃,利用量體表面上的進退手法,得以取代舊式的手取把手,進而形成立面延伸的契機,保留完整的立面表 情又不失機能性。

The opposite way of marble television wall, we set up complete wood pattern storage box to preserve fully layout and also functional.



In this project, we re-define the layout of living room and kitchen, therefore it has the inside kitchen. To avoid the light is block out by the narrow space, we design a floating display cabinet in front of the wall, for the light can be go through to soften all the space line.


As for bedroom, we use three different design method to fit different age and experiencers personality.
