2023-12-20 11:28:44Vincent Lee

A Complete Guide to Growing Foxgloves in Pots

A Complete Guide to Growing Foxgloves in Pots


Foxgloves, also known as Digitalis, are beautiful and eye-catching flowers. They are a popular choice for many gardeners. Foxgloves are traditionally grown in gardens. But you can grow foxgloves in pots too.

Selecting the Right Foxglove Variety

Not all types of foxgloves are suitable for container gardening. So you should select the right variety when growing foxgloves in pots. Here are some popular foxglove varieties that are perfect for growing in pots:

Foxy - This compact and colorful variety is a favorite among gardeners. It produces tubular flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white.

Apricot Beauty - This stunning biennial variety offers delicate apricot-colored blooms.

Camelot Cream - Another biennial option, this variety boasts creamy white flowers with speckled throats.

You can also grow perennial foxgloves in pots for continuous blooms year after year. These include:

Digitalis grandiflora - This hardy perennial produces tall spikes of yellow flowers.

Digitalis purpurea (Snow Thimble) - If you prefer white blooms, this perennial variety is the perfect choice. Its pure white flowers are sure to brighten up any pot or planter.

Choosing the Perfect Pot

Container Size and Depth

Foxgloves have a taproot system that goes deep into the soil. So choose a pot that is at least 12 inches deep. The roots will grow freely and support the growth of tall and healthy plants. In terms of diameter, a pot size of 10-12 inches should suffice for one plant.

Selecting Pots with Good Drainage

You should choose plastic garden pots with good drainage holes. Because waterlogging can lead to root rot and ultimately kill your plants. If you're using a decorative pot without drainage holes, place some pebbles or broken terracotta at the bottom. This can create space for excess water to drain out.

Soil and Planting Mix

Recommended Soil Amendments and Planting Mixturesh

The ideal soil for foxgloves should have a pH level between 5.5 to 6.5. You can add lime or peat moss to your planting mix if necessary. Additionally, foxgloves thrive in well-draining soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, you should mix compost or well-rotted manure with your potting soil.

Tips for Preparing the Potting Mix

You can also add agricultural perlite or vermiculite to your planting mix. These additives will help to improve drainage and prevent the soil from compacting. Mix in a slow-release fertilizer into your potting mix before growing foxgloves in pots. For example, 10-10-10. This will provide your foxgloves with essential nutrients throughout their growing season.

Be sure to thoroughly incorporate all the ingredients together. You can also moisten the mixture slightly before filling your pots. This will help the soil settle and prevent air pockets. Once you have filled your pots with the prepared mix, gently pat down the surface to ensure a stable base for planting.

Planting Foxgloves in Pots

How to Grow Foxgloves in Pots?

Gently remove the foxglove seedlings from their original container. Place them in the prepared pot. Make sure to space them at least 6 inches apart to allow for proper growth. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Use a balanced fertilizer every two weeks to promote healthy growth.

Foxgloves can grow quite tall. So provide support with stakes or a trellis to prevent them from falling over. Remove any dead or damaged leaves and flowers to promote new growth and prevent disease.

Proper Spacing and Arrangement

How to grow foxglove plants? When planting multiple foxgloves in one pot, make sure to leave enough space between each plant. You can also arrange different varieties of foxgloves in layers, with taller ones in the back and shorter ones in the front for a visually pleasing display.

Alternatively, you can mix foxgloves with other plants for a colorful container garden. For example, petunias or geraniums. Remember to also consider the height and spread of each plant when arranging them in a pot. Using different sizes and shapes of containers can also add dimension to your display. 

How to Care for Foxglove?

Foxglove Water Requirements

Foxgloves prefer consistently moist soil, so it's important to water them regularly. However, be careful not to overwater as this can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot.

How often to water foxglove? A good rule of thumb is to water deeply once a week. Allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between watering. Adjust your watering schedule depending on weather conditions. Because hot and dry weather may require more frequent watering.

Mulching Techniques

Mulching not only helps retain moisture in the soil but also suppresses weeds. Use a layer of organic mulch around the base of foxglove in containers. For example, shredded bark or compost. This will also provide essential nutrients to the plant as it breaks down over time.


Regularly removing faded flowers, known as deadheading, can encourage prolonged blooms. This process prevents the plant from diverting energy to producing seeds and instead focuses on producing more flowers. Use clean garden shears or scissors to cut off the entire stalk of the faded flower, just above a set of healthy leaves.

Foxglove Sunlight Requirements

Foxgloves thrive in partly shady or full sun locations. They require 4-6 hours of sunlight each day. The best place to plant foxgloves is the areas with morning sunlight and afternoon shade.

During the intense summer heat, provide some shade for foxgloves in pots. You can place plastic gardening pots in a location with dappled sunlight or partial shade. You can also use shade cloth to cover your pots. Water your foxgloves more frequently during hot days. This will help keep the soil moist and cool.

Fertilizing Foxgloves in Containers

Balanced Fertilizer Regimen

When choosing the right fertilizer for your foxgloves, a balanced approach is key. This means providing an equal balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to support all aspects of plant growth. A general recommendation is to use a 10-10-10 fertilizer or something similar.

Organic and Synthetic Fertilizer Options

Compost, manure, and fish emulsion are all excellent choices for fertilizing foxgloves in containers. They provide essential nutrients while also improving soil quality. Synthetic fertilizers offer a more concentrated and immediate source of nutrients. Make sure to follow package instructions for proper application.

Timing and Frequency of Fertilization

Generally, fertilize in early spring before the plant begins actively growing and again in mid-summer. This provides a boost during the peak blooming season. However, be careful not to over-fertilize. This can lead to excessive foliage growth and decrease flowering.

In terms of frequency, a good rule of thumb is to fertilize every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Monitor your plants and adjust fertilization as needed based on their appearance and growth.

Dealing with Pests and Diseases

Identifying Common Pests

Common pests feed on the leaves, stems and flowers of your plant. For example, aphids, slugs, snails and spider mites. This can cause stunted growth and even death. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation.

Organic and Chemical Methods for Pest Control

For organic methods, you can try using natural predators such as ladybugs or introducing beneficial nematodes into the soil. For chemical methods, there are insecticidal soaps and pesticides specifically designed for controlling pests on plants. However, use these chemicals carefully and follow the instructions on the label.

3. Tips for Preventing and Managing Diseases

Foxgloves can also be susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew, root rot, and leaf spot. Keep your plants well-spaced and provide adequate air circulation to prevent these diseases. Watering from the base of the pot helps prevent diseases caused by water splashing on leaves. If your foxgloves do become infected, remove affected leaves or use a fungicide specifically designed for these diseases.

Overwintering Foxgloves in Pots

How to Overwinter Potted Foxglove?

Before the first frost, cut back any dead foliage and stems on your foxgloves. Remove any debris from the pot and lightly loosen up the soil. Water the plant well before placing it in its overwintering location. Check for signs of pests and diseases and treat accordingly.

Mulching and Insulation Strategies for Cold Climates

You should wrap the pot in burlap or bubble wrap. This protects the roots from freezing temperatures. You can also use a thick layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain heat.

Container Placement to Mitigate Frost Damage

Choose a location that is protected from harsh winds and receive some sun exposure. Avoid placing the pot directly on the ground. This can cause the roots to freeze. If possible, move the container to a garage or shed for added protection during extreme cold spells.


In this guide, we have discussed the key points for successfully growing foxgloves in pots. These beautiful and versatile plants can thrive in containers with the right care and attention.