2020-12-31 14:10:25WitchVera
1229 & 1230走讀巷弄
He gave us a record that we had a cold day in Taiwan yesterday, here's a latest update.
Really cold to walk home after the sutras last night. Two days efforts that we joined, hope the land, the weather, the people and creatures safe and grow-up well, indeed. w/
Vera Pon
新年快樂 吉祥安康
從中壢三教紫雲宮-->中壢慈惠堂-->中壢媽仁海宮/中壢仁海宮新街媽 -->中壢永平寺 -->正德佛堂桃園分院 兩天裡各個誦經法會都參與也嚐了素食料理法喜充滿, 寒冷低溫的夜間十點街道大約也五十年內難得見哩~
新年快樂 吉祥安康Share: 鄭明典 +中央氣象局